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Community Rating: 3.811 / 5  (373 votes)
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I am confused how to use planeswalkers. Could someone explain please?
Posted By: Dilbot (10/29/2010 4:04:46 PM)


Posted By: fanofmagic (2/6/2011 2:01:22 AM)


Tried playing with him I can tell you now I think he sucks.
Posted By: chives5602 (6/10/2011 11:32:16 PM)


I have to say that I'm not a huge fan of original Jace. Let's consider what happens when you play him (ignoring the Howling Mine effect, since it really isn't good from a card advantage standpoint, though you might use it before he dies):

3 mana
Draw a card
Dies to bolt, shock, or an attack with any power 2+ creature

3 mana
Draw 2 cards
Dies to bolt, shock, etc

3 mana
Draw 3 cards, dies

Would I pay 3 mana for a cantrip optional (for the opponent) Fog? I doubt it.
Would I pay 3 mana for Divination plus an optional Fog? Now that sounds better.
Would I pay 3 mana for 3 cards? Hell yes.

The problem, however, is that your opponent gets to decide how good he is. If he hits Jace with an attack or bolt after one card, I always feel like I've wasted 3 mana. If he spends a card to kill it, at least I'm up a card (1 card spent , 1 card drawn, opponent played 1 card), but if he kills him with an attack, I've just spent 3 man... (see all)
Posted By: Guest513736147 (8/26/2010 6:51:31 AM)


I think this really benefits from Rooftop Storm. If you get two or more Beleren's out and every zombie you draw costs nothing...that is a serious advantage. Undead Alchemist makes that combo even deadlier, and then use the ultimate to get more Zombies. Throw in Lich Lord of Unx, Jace's Erasure, and some other cards and you've got a pretty decent zombie swarm mill deck.
Posted By: gatorjunkie (3/7/2012 11:33:35 AM)


Quite a draw engine. Worst case scenario, this is a little more expensive Howling Mine. Best case, it's Phyrexian Arena for 3 turns with no drawback.

It used to be used mainly as 1UU: Destroy target Jace, the Mind Sculptor. It's really quite funny.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (4/16/2013 12:34:20 PM)


Remember how this used to be a JTMS kill spell? Yeah, not anymore.
Posted By: Continue (7/19/2013 12:41:25 PM)


At the absolute worst, Jace is a free card plus direct damage/attack directed away from your face, for three mana. I'll take that.
Posted By: CJM2 (7/13/2010 8:20:20 AM)


Drawing cards can definitely wins games.
Posted By: MDStrawHat (7/13/2010 8:21:41 PM)


i like him better than 2.0 because he's less of a target, and people are less likely to try and use his ultimate to win.
Posted By: BlackAlbino (7/24/2010 1:39:02 PM)


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