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Definitely waaay better than many of the dragons printed in the last year or two. Don't get me wrong, there have been a few solid dragons, but for the most part, eh. This guy rocks though I use him in my Tinker deck.
Posted By: EvilCleavage (5/4/2011 2:09:30 AM)



You forgot to add Haste.
Posted By: DiasFlac420 (5/7/2011 7:37:29 PM)


Actually if you give him whispersilk cloak he pretty much will wipe the board in one turn except I have one question, if your oppenent has 2 1 mana creatures out and you attack with five damage with this dragon just out of curiosity do the 1 mana creatures die as well or does only non-land perm. with mana coast of 5 die and a 2 mana creature survive.
Posted By: Odorous_Walker (5/10/2011 10:08:24 AM)


yeah, this card is absolutely a beast. It just flat out says no. Anything they want to play, if you can control them to a certain point, they just cannot get anything important through. brilliant card, my favorite card in my monoblue artifact control deck. I like him more than wurmcoil engine, actually. He is a megabeast.

I especially love the look on people's faces when they look at the cards they have in play and see that every permanent they have unfortunately has the same cmc.

Brings me joy.

@ Odurous walker: It seems like you are associating the destroy ability to the kite's power, you have to pay extra mana and then that mana destroys the permanents. for instance, if the hellkite did damage, I could pay an extra one mana and kill everything that costs two mana. Also, if I pay 3 mana, everything that costs three will die, but not things that cost two or one. Hopefully thats helpful.
Posted By: TheSwarm (5/24/2011 5:01:56 PM)


It like Ratchet Bombs their field upon impact. I once used a Bribery to pull this out of someone's EDH deck.
Posted By: JFM2796 (8/1/2011 8:24:15 AM)


lol myr superions are screwed
Posted By: calibir (8/9/2011 12:33:37 AM)


I've seen a few people saying this card rocks with tinker. 2 things.

1. If you're using tinker, you might as well get Blighsteel out.

2. Tinker is more broken then stoneforged mystic. Unlike the Mystic you need a artifact to sack - but if you're playing somewhere that you can PLAY tinker, you could use artifact lands, memnites or Ornithopters.

Great card tho.
Posted By: Squab (8/11/2011 4:07:21 PM)


Built in 'slow' but reusabale Pernicious Deed, colourless firebreathing and 5/5 body with flying for 6 colorless cmc

The biggest flaw is the 2nd ability. To be used you must hit your opponent with the Hellkite which can be difficult against decks with flying chump blockers. Otherwise pretty good and balanced card

Posted By: Paladin85 (8/12/2011 6:50:54 AM)


this guy right here is PURE AWESOMESAUCE.
reason1: not outrageously overpriced high-powered colorless flier
reason2:it's a dragon
reason3: it's got fair removal built in
reason4: it's an artifact dragon. Tek, Draco, teeka's dragon and ***work dragon needed a new bud.
reason5: it's got colorless firebreathing.
I rest my case.

@tantallum99 that's what im saying, im buying one! also, why not osmium99 or tungsten99?
Posted By: pedrodyl (8/21/2011 11:47:32 PM)


This guy is ABSURDLY good. Removes just about whatever you want, and en masse. His ability to pump himself isn't that great, but with ramp (and you SHOULD run this guy in a ramp deck) he is ABSURD. In my elves deck he usually hits around turn 3 or 4.

The sheer number of things this guy neuters is insane. Sure he's gonna have a removal bull's eye painted on him when he hits the field; but there are ways around that, and besides, that's just more proof that he is amazingly effective.
Posted By: TherealphatMatt (9/2/2011 7:27:08 PM)


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