Too damn powerful
Posted By:
(9/8/2011 4:09:05 AM)
It's no titan, but it is a fun casual card
Posted By:
(10/26/2011 5:33:51 PM)
Most dragons don't see much play outside of casual because they're red. Luckily for Steely Dan Hellkite here, he looks pretty blue to me.
Posted By:
(11/5/2011 10:35:10 PM)
the fact that cards have bulls eyes on them for removal is good
think of it this way: "well i dont want my opponent to want to remove my guy cuz their too good so i guess im running a storm crow deck"
or maybe "phyrexian obliteraitor? not for me"
yah its ridiculous, play your bombs and out maneuver your opponent, its what magics all about
Posted By:
(11/6/2011 9:14:09 AM)
your memnites are DEAD!!
Posted By:
(11/6/2011 10:07:35 PM)
An Artifact Dragon?
Say hello to Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas. AND Sarkhan the Mad. I believe we can find a use for you. Yes, most definitely....>:D
Posted By:
(11/11/2011 8:24:28 PM)
this card is in every EDH deck i have.
Posted By:
(11/21/2011 2:39:53 PM)
So there was a story once about how I had this guy on the field and 8 life and my opponent was tapped out and had a Shrine of Burning Rage with 8 counters on it. My opponent says "That's game." and I simply respond "No, it's not." I proceed to swing next turn with him and pay 2 for his third ability, blowing up the shrine (only then did my opponent actually read the card) and winning me the game. That same opponent later faced a friend of mine who also runs this card, and when my friend dropped it, the other guy immediately scooped. For that reason (and more) I love this card.
5/5 flier for 6 that can be played in blue control actually giving them a big threat, plus with Turn Asides and Negates, he's cheap and easy to protect. Just make sure to Gitaxian Probe first so he doesn't get countered. Plus, what is blue's big problem? Stuff already on the field. Oh... nevermind, he handles that. What is green'... (see all)
Posted By:
(11/23/2011 1:16:51 AM)
this has really become one of my favorite cards. yes it costs 6 to play but look at all you get: a nice-sized 5/5 flying PUMPABLE body, plus destruction of permanents. by the time you've busted this guy out, you have access to at least 6 mana so few threats will be able to withstand it's 'X' ability if you can get the damage in. the cherry on the sundae is that it is colorless! This guy fits easily into so many decks. oh, and did I mention that it costs $1 at time of this writing, (A BUCK)??
Posted By:
(12/7/2011 5:44:21 AM)
ridonkulous in EDH.
Posted By:
(12/11/2011 8:01:02 PM)