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Community Rating: 4.595 / 5  (415 votes)
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Edited...because I swore at MoE (yes, there's a way around the censor). MoE, the only thing worse than you are your impersonators because they should know better.
Posted By: Paleopaladin (5/31/2011 9:32:25 PM)


"Hey guys, I have a great idea! Remember Penumbra Wurm? Yeah, it's that cool green creature from way back in the Invasion block! I was thinking we should print something like it again, but this time why don't we reduce its casting cost by 1 and eliminate its color requirements so that it's playable in any deck, and then give it Deathtouch and Lifelink so that it's never reduced to a mere chump-blocker on the defense or made totally useless by chump-blockers on the offense? I'm sure that removing Trample, splitting the token into two smaller creatures, and making it vulnerable to artifact-destruction will balance it enough."


In any case, awesome art.
Posted By: Ragamander (12/16/2011 10:16:06 PM)


no likey. bad for game.
Posted By: alzabo (3/20/2012 6:34:49 AM)


perfect example of a power-creep card, i refuse to play it in casual games because its a no-brainer.

I agree with gabriel 422, This would've been fair as a 4/4 that makes 2/2's
Posted By: zenitramleirdag (4/3/2012 3:19:01 AM)


What's sad is that as ridiculously overpowered as this thing is, there are still cards like Phyrexian Obliterator that completely outclass it.
Posted By: ThePieManOfDeath (10/19/2012 5:12:10 PM)


How Wizards thought this card was a good idea, other than to make some quick cash, is beyond me.
Posted By: UltraShroom (12/8/2013 8:05:41 PM)


dude, if EVERY SINGLE PERSON got one of these at the prerelease then why are they so expensive??
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (9/3/2011 12:33:41 PM)


Oh look, it's Wurmy! I love this guy, soooo much, he was my finisher in my Mono-black control deck for so long! Now I have 1 in my Sharuum EDH and another in my Mimeoplasm EDH... But I kind of want to throw together a constructed deck for all 4 of them.
Posted By: Anubisisking (7/11/2011 11:04:32 PM)


Let me just say this. I stopped playing magic years ago. I came back recently only to find the stupidest, most shallow whorish girl from my high school playing magic at my local game shop. For a brief moment, I thought she got a lot smarter. Then I saw Wurmcoil Engine. Everything start to make sense. People don't get smarter. Magic just gets more stupid.

Yugioh 2.0 here we come.
Posted By: MinatoKageaki (10/17/2013 10:43:13 PM)


6 mana artifact creature.
Gives a 6/6 body, 2 powerful keywords, and an insanely strong removal & board wipe resistance. Not to mention it can trade with anything bigger then give you tokens.

I guess they decided mythic means they can make the creature as strong as they want, and still call it balanced because Blue can counter it or White can exile.

.5/5 for taking power creep to far.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (7/29/2013 11:17:31 PM)


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