Edited...because I swore at MoE (yes, there's a way around the censor). MoE, the only thing worse than you are your impersonators because they should know better.
Posted By:
(5/31/2011 9:32:25 PM)
"Hey guys, I have a great idea! Remember Penumbra Wurm? Yeah, it's that cool green creature from way back in the Invasion block! I was thinking we should print something like it again, but this time why don't we reduce its casting cost by and eliminate its color requirements so that it's playable in any deck, and then give it Deathtouch and Lifelink so that it's never reduced to a mere chump-blocker on the defense or made totally useless by chump-blockers on the offense? I'm sure that removing Trample, splitting the token into two smaller creatures, and making it vulnerable to artifact-destruction will balance it enough."
In any case, awesome art.
Posted By:
(12/16/2011 10:16:06 PM)
no likey. bad for game.
Posted By:
(3/20/2012 6:34:49 AM)
perfect example of a power-creep card, i refuse to play it in casual games because its a no-brainer.
I agree with gabriel 422, This would've been fair as a 4/4 that makes 2/2's
Posted By:
(4/3/2012 3:19:01 AM)
What's sad is that as ridiculously overpowered as this thing is, there are still cards like Phyrexian Obliterator that completely outclass it.
Posted By:
(10/19/2012 5:12:10 PM)
How Wizards thought this card was a good idea, other than to make some quick cash, is beyond me.
Posted By:
(12/8/2013 8:05:41 PM)
dude, if EVERY SINGLE PERSON got one of these at the prerelease then why are they so expensive??
Posted By:
(9/3/2011 12:33:41 PM)
Oh look, it's Wurmy! I love this guy, soooo much, he was my finisher in my Mono-black control deck for so long! Now I have 1 in my Sharuum EDH and another in my Mimeoplasm EDH... But I kind of want to throw together a constructed deck for all 4 of them.
Posted By:
(7/11/2011 11:04:32 PM)
Let me just say this. I stopped playing magic years ago. I came back recently only to find the stupidest, most shallow whorish girl from my high school playing magic at my local game shop. For a brief moment, I thought she got a lot smarter. Then I saw Wurmcoil Engine. Everything start to make sense. People don't get smarter. Magic just gets more stupid.
Yugioh 2.0 here we come.
Posted By:
(10/17/2013 10:43:13 PM)
6 mana artifact creature.
Gives a 6/6 body, 2 powerful keywords, and an insanely strong removal & board wipe resistance. Not to mention it can trade with anything bigger then give you tokens.
I guess they decided mythic means they can make the creature as strong as they want, and still call it balanced because can counter it or can exile.
.5/5 for taking power creep to far.
Posted By:
(7/29/2013 11:17:31 PM)