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This is one overlord that Spawning many of is just a bad Idea, lol
5/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (12/13/2012 7:56:01 PM)


Fusion Elemental isn't legendary, so it wouldn't be as good. My question is, if this is supposed to be a 'premium deck' why didn't any of the cards get new art? And why didn't they reprint the Sliver Queen?

I at least wanted to see if Sliver Overlord would be getting a new look, but since I already have the old one and all the Slivers that come in this deck, the only reason I'd bother buying this would be to have them holofoil'd and with new card frames, neither of which I actually care about much. : /
Posted By: Omniance (11/27/2009 3:01:31 PM)


What would be really funny is if you were running Olivia Voldaren as a commander against this Sliver EDH. "Oh, you played your commander? Well, now he's a vampire, and now he's mine..." Then you laugh hysterically as you beat his face in with his own commander while taking his slivers one-by-one.
Posted By: CamperCarl00 (12/1/2013 4:53:52 PM)


One problem I've found in my testing of this guy as a general, and he is an amazing general. But I found it's easy to shut him down. Just slap a Faith Fetters, or Arrest on him, and he's out of the game, in all ways. It's gotta be something that stops his ability usage though. I still give this card a 5/5 though. This was the fist big bad sliver I owned, and started my love of them. I own two, both from the scourge set, one normal, one foil. (the foil is my general.)
Posted By: Deadling (8/28/2013 12:54:32 AM)


best sliver ever as amazing as so many slivers all he will get you all and the exact slivers you need he is even more powerfull then he looks I want to make a sliver deck with 4 of him 4 Crystalline Sliver so they cant kill him and 4 Gemhide Slivers so I can get him out and pay for his ability easily if you dont win withina few turns after you get him out you are not using him right.

Posted By: dragonking987 (11/20/2010 3:33:12 PM)


Face it, not that good. "Gain control of target sliver"? Come on, they said Sliver Ancient was too narrow? Then what is this?
Posted By: ArtBell (2/12/2010 6:41:03 PM)


It's not good.
How can it become Mythic Rare
Posted By: Oskar_Thundershield (5/22/2010 2:26:22 AM)


You honestly don't need to think much to make Sliver decks, in EDH or otherwise. Aggro for the unimaginative, as it pretty much builds itself.

I hate Slivers. Always a pain. I always use Life's Finale to drop as many power houses as I can, just to follow it up with dropping The Mimeoplasm to eat them out of the graveyard, and then recycle my boardwipes and repeat.

Like I said, boring. Boring to play, and boring to play against.

Also, don't we wish to open up Magic to as many players as possible? So why on earth would you run these in hopes of scaring people out of the game? Or even a specific format?
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (7/24/2011 12:55:17 AM)


I prefer Sliver Queen over this.
Posted By: wholelottalove (10/18/2012 6:50:13 AM)


Nicholas Cage thought the bees were bad...
Posted By: talcumpowder0046 (12/9/2013 2:21:43 PM)


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