I just kinda like the art... The textless one looks like Thor.. haha
Posted By:
(7/9/2010 11:24:46 AM)
The only legit problem I have with this card is the fact that I KNOW that there are at least 2 counter spells that are strictly better than this that DIDN'T break the game: Forbid and
C'mon guys. Counterspell wasn't the most broken card ever, but it was still broken, mainly compared with other colors. 2 mana to reject ~98% of spells. And at least Lightning Bolt doesn't automatically ruin your efforts (not saying that one is strictly better than the other, though).
Not to mention that all 1U couterspells would not be able to compete with a soild UU counterspell. The only people who would use Negate , Mana Leak, and Delay would be people who need a ridicously high concentration of counterspells in their deck.
Finally, it is just a bad idea to create cards that beg to be placed in every deck: Baneslayer Angel/au... (see all)
Posted By:
(7/27/2010 6:46:41 PM)
We miss you, Counterspell.
Posted By:
(2/13/2011 1:22:57 PM)
The reason why Wizards do not want to bring counterspell back is that it would scrap most of the other versions of it. But really . . if counterspell is back . . what is the point of printing flashfreeze, negate, essence scatter, etc. Counterspell is already too powerful of a counterspell, adding more dirt cheap counterspells would break blue.
Posted By:
(4/3/2011 5:36:40 PM)
I'm on the fence. While as a blue mage, I'd love CS back, I can agree that it was always a pretty powerful spell, and like someone else said, no card should be a must play.
I'd be happy if they continued putting more increased casting cost counterspells, but with added abilities.
Bring back Dismiss, Forbid, Rewind, Arcane Denial (god I loved that card). Not the cards themselves, since they require block specific mechanics, but something like them in the coming blocks, instead of continuously printing this POS lousy knockoff that makes me so angry everytime I see it.
Posted By:
(8/27/2010 4:32:07 AM)
Wizards, you killed Shock, so why can't you kill this already? Bring back Counterspell!
Posted By:
(2/19/2011 5:23:49 PM)
We now have four -- that's right, FOUR -- printings of this in Standard.
Please, Wizards...Stop it.
Posted By:
(7/8/2010 11:58:28 AM)
For the last time wizards, BRING BACK COUNTERSPELL!!!
Posted By:
(1/4/2011 3:43:30 PM)
Oh...you again...
Posted By:
(7/8/2010 1:05:01 PM)
This is my favourate cancel artwork
Posted By:
(7/11/2010 5:23:28 AM)