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Jace does the teaching again.
Posted By: xilinplips (12/29/2012 10:10:40 PM)


I wanted to make the rules clear on one of these to help newer players:
-If mind control is destroyed, the creature goes to the player who's control it came under control of first, not the last player who controlled it. This is important at times, say, for Treacherous Pit-Dweller

-If you Mind Control a creature and so does your opponent, the most recent effect takes precedence. If the latest mind control is destroyed, the most recent mind control still attached to the creature will take effect again. When they're all destroyed, see the above.

-If/when Mind control becomes unattached, the creature is returned as a *state-based* effect, I.E. in between the resolution of spells when any player gets priority but before they can use it. This means you cannot, for instance, Boomerang Mind Control and then cloudshift the creature on the stack to keep it, nor can you do it vice versa.

Hope that makes sense :D
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/8/2013 11:27:11 PM)


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