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Strictly better than Sage Owl in my books. I said it. Don't criticize me about the "true" meaning of strictly better, i understand it etc. I'm just sayin I'd always play this over Sage Owl given the opportunity.
Posted By: tcollins (11/23/2010 12:17:46 AM)


In the early game with really efficient decks, one card is significant. Looking at the top 4 cards is a lot closer to actual tutoring than looking at the top 3 (though neither of the two actually are tutoring).

In a 70+ card deck with all basic land of multiple colors and some 2 or 3 card combos, Augury Owl is your guy, and it will someday put the top three 6 mana cost nonland cards on the bottom of your library so that you can draw into more land sooner.

For decks where almost every card is a usable card that doesn't rely on you drawing into something else and don't need a generous amount of mana, on a given turn it's not so much what you do and don't have as it is when you are going to play what you have/are going to draw into.

I heard from another more experienced player, "You know you have a good deck when no matter what card is on the bottom, if you see it there, you wish it weren't there so that you draw into it". (something like that)
So I've noticed with Scry- ... (see all)
Posted By: Enchantment_Removal (7/9/2010 2:09:01 PM)


Flying Men gets you a 1/1 flyer for U. This nifty little bird does the same, except you pay an extra 1 colorless to scry 3. Very efficient.
Posted By: Evil_Tactics (3/4/2011 4:32:46 PM)


Ya, on sage owl, who cares about selecting 1 of 4 top cards when you're gonna draw the other 3 anyway.
Posted By: Nathreet (10/16/2010 10:24:23 AM)


Well done R&D, My congrats.
Posted By: Cheza (8/8/2010 9:37:23 AM)


try this with not only Quest for Ulas Temple (obviously)...
but also with a combo I just learned from a buddy...
If you use evacuation...
then Mnemonic wall...
you can pick this guy back up over and over...
Run with a reliquary tower...
rinse & repeat while your opponents start discarding you can keep dropping your owl & a bonus from Ulas temple if you're lucky
Posted By: Shinigami-2099 (3/12/2011 5:31:48 PM)


I prefer Sea Eagle.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/6/2012 12:09:46 AM)


What is better? Sage Owl or this?
Posted By: Ameisenmeister (7/8/2010 12:33:55 PM)


I need four of these! Maybe eight...
Posted By: ZEvilMustache (7/8/2010 8:16:02 PM)


Enchantment_Removal, I say that often (you probably heard it from somebody else, however). HOWEVER, that can also mean you have a really BAD deck, and that the bottom card is part of a combo that you require to win.
Posted By: SpamBlade (7/11/2010 8:53:49 PM)


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