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Looks very decent, especially once you get some gear on him.
Posted By:
(10/3/2010 1:53:17 AM)
Great in draft/sealed. Still pretty good in other formats. Drop an Accordor's Shield and equip it, you can easily have a 2/5 double strike vigilance swinging on turn 3. 4/5
Posted By:
(1/30/2011 4:10:34 PM)
All The Above
Posted By:
(9/25/2010 10:50:31 PM)
Turn 1: Artifact land, Chrome Mox (or Mox Diamond) -> Auriok Edgewright.
Turn 2: Land, equip Darksteel Axe -> Attack.
Posted By:
(9/23/2010 4:55:29 PM)
should have been red. Doesn't play well in limited with the current card list. Other white cards don't interact with it in such a great way. (see Seize the initiative, Abuna Acolyte and so on)
Posted By:
(10/3/2010 10:33:16 AM)
A rare creature that is good in an equipment deck if he is equipped AND if he isn't.
Even if your kor duelist or another Edgewright is the card with your most powerful equipment, he is still good. Contrast this to the other cards that only power up when they are wearing the equipment.
Posted By:
(8/11/2011 12:45:45 PM)