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Community Rating: 3.742 / 5  (97 votes)
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Ok, so funny story. I was playing my burn deck against my friend's poison deck, and I was attacking with a power 7 Chandra's Spitfire due to some pinging shenanigans courtesy of Cunning Sparkmage. Not wanting to take lethal, he cast this on Spitfire. I had a burn spell in hand and an untapped mountain. The combat phase ended with him taking 11 poison counters from Chandra's Spitfire after I threw an unkicked Burst Lightning at his dome.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (1/9/2011 12:56:34 AM)


Don't like it. In my infect deck, I want more than +1/+0. In my none infect, I don't want my creatures to deal one time poison counters.
Posted By: Sironos (10/9/2010 1:18:41 PM)


"You has three life and no guise. Platinum Emperion attack!"
"Tainted strike bro"

true story
4.5/5 for various uses in limited, including actual offensive ones.
Posted By: ZombieSnail (11/3/2010 10:07:10 PM)


Tainted Strike+Myr Battlesphere. Or any creature that deals non-combat damage. Like Flameblast Dragon...
Posted By: ThaNecromancer (11/9/2010 12:58:19 PM)


Surprisingly, no one I saw at the draft was playing these and I literally got handed a play set and nearly dominated the entire scene. Don't underestimate the power of this card-- it's meant to be put on evasive creatures that can bulk up and swing for loads of damage. While not as good in Constructed, it'll still find a home for people who use spells like Distortion Strike and Assault Strobe.
Posted By: Keiya (11/13/2010 5:54:51 AM)


I don't like that card here is why. For the same 1 black mana I could cast Virulent swipe instead (+2/+2 deathtouch + rebound) Here why.

deathtouch simply kill the creature it's touches, so Virulent swipe could easy kill 2 creatures. While infect put -1/-1 counter of the creature. Yes it will cripple the creature and maybe kill him, but a I preffer killing my opponent creature rather then just crippling them (except if my opponent play with demons that have huge drawback. Infect is better then deathtouch only if you face an indestructible monster.

When you hit the player directly deathtouch do nothing, and your creature deal regular damage like all the other creature you control giving a total of +4 damage (since it got rebound) While infect will put 1 extra poison counter on your opponent, but if you have no other infect creature in your deck, or no proliferated ability that poison counter is useless. If you have other infect creature, you are probably playing infect and probably u... (see all)
Posted By: Sorxores (11/14/2010 12:57:16 PM)


This + Kavu Predator + Invigorate = win!

As long as you go for the instant kill, this card is like the black version of Berserk.
Posted By: JenBroness (1/3/2011 8:23:30 AM)


@HuntingDrake Verdescent Wisps is part off a 1 mana wisp cycle. I don't think that it completes the strike mega cycle.
Posted By: PEVE_O (2/7/2011 6:35:06 PM)


Great card, but I think I'll stick with Virulent Swipe for the rebound.
Posted By: Kitty_the_Kat (2/11/2011 2:24:31 AM)


"Draw a card."

...even though the game will probably be over before the new card matters.
Posted By: Enchantment_Removal (2/24/2011 5:08:18 PM)


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