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useless if you're down to one opponent, and even if you're not it's kind of a waste late in a game
Posted By:
(6/24/2010 4:00:04 PM)
This is the best of the self or others schemes. But that's not saying much, since they're all pretty bad.
Posted By:
(8/9/2010 12:46:57 AM)
Early enough in the game this could be devastating; however, too conditional to be worth playing.
I like choose self or others, but only if you couldn't choose others if you're the only one remaining. I don't know why they made it so you could, as it just doesn't make sense. Solution? Don't play that way. Even then, this will still be iffy if you only have 2 opponents, as choosing Others won't be as powerful as Self in that instance, but it'd certainly help to make the concept work better.
Posted By:
(7/19/2011 11:19:26 AM)
after reading the comments on the Doom Citadel, yah I'm gonna have to say they have a fair point about the Evil Plants Guy. This is the only one of his Theme Schemes I would seriously consider using in my Scheme Decks.
Posted By:
(11/15/2011 1:10:03 AM)