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@Virus "Flavourfully odd that he and Mirran Crusader can never see each other in combat."

Actually you could make them fight with Arena.

But both would walk away utterly unscathed.
Posted By: oafkad (11/16/2012 2:12:28 PM)


Auto-include in any infect deck playing black. That many efficient abilities on a bear with no drawback for 3 CMC is just wonderful. And as a bonus the art is pretty awesome as well.
Posted By: lordof1000mimes (1/27/2011 3:27:11 PM)


trusty machete, strata scythe, piston sledge, flayer husk, livewire lash...
Give this guy anything that boosts his power and he is going to wreck face.

Unfortunately he still takes one in the face from Valakut,

And don't forget you can proliferate after first strike damage is dealt but before regular damage to increase his survivability by just that little extra bit your opponent may not have thought about.
Posted By: roguepariah (3/19/2011 6:12:05 PM)


As many have already pointed out, this great is very strong and useful in any Infect, sometimes in non-Infect decks.
Aside from that, has anybody who is familiar with the game noticed that the art very closely resembles the way Nightmare from Soul Calibur IV looks?
Hell, even the stance is almost, if not exactly identical (sometimes Nightmare raises his sword just like the Phyrexian Crusader).
Looks like Eric Deschamps was inspired by the game, heh.

Here's a screenshot for comparison: http://www.ps3-reloaded.de/wp-content/gallery/soulcalibur/sc4_pub_ss_nightmare_002.jpg
Posted By: Rhayve (3/31/2011 4:10:57 PM)


Extra points for pilots who combo Phyrexian Crusader + Claws of Valakut and Fulgore victory dance everytime you send him to the Red. =D

Badass Zombie? - Yes... buuuuuuut...

Infect makes the card to narrow in scope... badass zombies are great but why play zombies if you can't actually play them in zombie decks - or maybe I'm just being oldschool =P.
Gimme a ton of powerhouse zombie cards all with infect in the near future and I'll reconsider =P

Unless of course the oracle text on all zombie creature type cards will be changed to give them infect due to their "zombiness." (please? ><)

^--------- Great idea for future zombies at the very least - and flavorful! Every zombie printed from now on has infect, deal?

Also remember that this guy would take up a 3-drop slot and that the 3-drop slot in zombie tribal is more than full already. Besides - doing regular combat damage AND infect is just silly - pick one or the other. I know this card is exciting but common.

Awesome ... (see all)
Posted By: Maniac_Zombie (4/2/2011 11:50:05 AM)


"Hey Lightning Bolt! I danced on your mothers grave! After ***ing on it! Whatcha gonna do about it?"
- Phyrexian Crusader

Ok, seriously, this guy is a monster.
2/2 infect for 3? Ok...
Frist Strike? Ok, this is getting a bit nasty...
Protection from the two colours packed with spot removal? Ok, how the HELL did this get through testing?

This card will ruin any Boros deck's day.
Posted By: WateryMind (4/8/2011 1:13:04 AM)


If it wasn't good enough it's zombie... haha
I disagree with people saying this would be good in a zombie deck because it's infect. Ummm Death Baron with this? Yeah. You may not poison your opponent to death but this guy can take out some creatures.
Posted By: TreeTrunkMaster (4/22/2011 9:04:24 AM)


that's why u always pack DoJ
Posted By: BlackAlbino (4/23/2011 1:59:39 PM)


@Kitty the Kat. fyi 'protection' WOULD keep Phyrexian Crusader alive thru a pyroclasm... (???) no, it doesn't "target", but it DOES deal damage...which is prevented. Unlike Wrath of God vs. Black Knight... At any rate, I'd rather seen him w 'wither' honestly... Still a house in the proper deck.
Posted By: supafly13 (9/6/2011 6:43:05 AM)


Dies to a pair of Hornet Stings!
Posted By: LordRandomness (1/6/2012 7:27:00 PM)


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