So good in EDH, er, "Commander". Why stop at Wurmcoil Engine when you can tutor up any number of Esper fatties? Inkwell Leviathan and most any of the Shards Sphinxes are excellent targets. Obvious combo with Master Transmuter for beatdowns! Though it's a shame he can't get you a Sphinx Summoner. The Transmuter loves that guy.
Posted By:
(4/14/2011 11:22:14 PM)
I hope the next set in this block has Midrange Mage.
Posted By:
(1/31/2011 5:38:07 PM)
although already mentioned in one article, obvious play with Etherium Sculptor and Grand Architect, which turns all your sculptors and other blue creatures into Vedalken Engineer for some insane mana! two sculpters and an architect and they will pay for for any artifact up to 8 colorless mana,
from their you can fetch anything you need to win really, Wurmcoil engineis a good choice, or blightsteel collosus
even better with shimmering myr out as you can block with your blue creatures, then tap them for mana (even with summoning sickness) and play your big artifact you just drew ready to attack your next turn
Also good for just card advantage/thinning cards from your deck, which blue always seems to like
all in all a good card
Posted By:
(2/10/2011 5:13:40 AM)
Turn 1: Forest, llanowar elves.
Turn 2: Island, this, search for mindslaver.
Turn 3: Swamp, dark ritual, play slaver.
Turn 4: ^w^
Posted By:
(4/8/2011 5:07:02 PM)
Mindslaver... :-(
Posted By:
(2/8/2011 11:38:20 PM)
Posted By:
(4/17/2011 7:36:14 PM)
Thopter Assembly in limited reality
Posted By:
(1/30/2011 12:13:30 AM)
Could have really used one of these to go with Contagion Engine and Argentum Armor in the pre-release.
Posted By:
(1/31/2011 7:28:10 PM)
He's not great, but there are worse ways to grab bombs out of your library. Definitely useful in sealed or draft where you likely only have a couple of bombs and want to grab them to either turn around a losing scenario or secure your win.
Posted By:
(2/4/2011 1:25:09 PM)
pay 2u: put target wurmcoil into your hand
Posted By:
(2/4/2011 4:30:37 PM)