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Well, maybe you'll hammer all opposing critters with spot removal and/or bounce... oh wait, it draws a card, not that many cards. Forget it, that's crap.
Posted By: Gavrilo (1/28/2011 5:56:06 AM)


@BloodDragon How? Equip targets. No wonder the Mirrans got hosed. The problem with this card is that the card draw will never happen. If it lost the ability and cost {U}{U}, I'd love it.
Posted By: blindthrall (5/21/2011 8:28:46 AM)


Ugh, it needed to have SOME sort of evasion for this to be worth it. Even if it was one more {U} with evasion, it would have been worth it, but noooooo. I suppose there had to be some terrible filler cards in this set.
Posted By: SolidSoldier (2/2/2011 10:30:17 PM)


Scroll Thief superior.

Seriously, less toughness, no merfolk tribal, and shroud, why?
Posted By: Anggul (2/7/2011 10:58:40 AM)


This is a cruel joke. This is the kind of stuff Evil Mark Rosewater told us about.
It's practically a 2/1 with Shroud for 3 mana and nothing more. The whole Ophidian effect will almost never come into play and you'll just be frustrated with not being able to use it.
Bad card, bad design. How did R&D approve this?
Posted By: PrimeSonic (1/31/2011 7:19:47 AM)


Kind of redundent but Whispersilk Cloak still works.
Posted By: BloodDragon (1/29/2011 7:20:33 PM)


if only it was an artifact creature. Although I still see use with this in a deck centered around Venser, the Sojourner. But even then this doesn't have much use.
Posted By: Yozuk (1/27/2011 11:22:45 PM)


Built in Shroud would be great against the large number of decks that are low on creatures themselves...if we didn't have quite so many spells which do damage to all creatures or make a player sacrifice a creature.

For the same mana cost you can have Jace Beleren let alone his broken incarnation for 1 more.
Posted By: Nighthawk42 (1/31/2011 1:12:36 PM)


shroud is useful on a creature thats actually good, but this............
Posted By: Richard_Hawk (2/8/2011 11:17:26 AM)


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