An underestimated sideboard card.
It slows down Phyrexian Crusader.
It kills Inkmoth Nexus (a big deal since Day of Judgment usually does not).
It hurts those packs of Squadron Hawk, those Memnite, those Signal Pest and those goblins. All nice cards that are used in agressive decks at the moment.
As opposed to Marrow Shards, the -1/-1 counters stick around in case it was not enough to kill all attacking creatures. Even if it costs more, I find this card more useful than Marrow Shards because you will always weaken/kill everything that attacks.
Posted By:
(8/20/2011 11:36:36 AM)
This card is just so mean. Imagine it with Crumbling Ashes
Posted By:
(11/6/2011 10:53:26 AM)
@Richard_Hawk and everyone who replied to him: Sunlance is the closest thing white has to lightning bolt.
Posted By:
(11/13/2011 1:33:24 PM)
When you think about it, this card fits white's flavor quite well. Aside from the -1/-1 counters (which is a Phyrexian trait instead of a color-specific one), it does what white's always been able to do: punish attacking creatures.
Posted By:
(8/5/2012 1:25:06 AM)
Killing 1/1s is all well and good (though Marrow Shards does it better), but the real beauty of this is softening up 4/*s and */4s for your Priests of Norn and Porcelain Legionnaires. Retribution will be swift.
Posted By:
(6/14/2013 10:26:01 AM)