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Wait, so when it says he can't be countered does that mean you can't use Cancel and it's many variations on him (doesn't he can't be the target of spells or abilities cover that?) or that he can't be defended from?
Posted By: Emperorerror (7/29/2012 8:02:30 PM)


@emperorerror: Yes, "can't be countered" means that trying to use a counterspell such as Cancel or Essence Scatter will have no effect on Thrun (Mindbreak Trap however, which technically exiles and not counters a spell, can hit Thrun - kind of like how Swords to Plowshares can remove indestructible creatures. Same with Time Stop). Hexproof only applies while on the battlefield, it doesn't prevent countermagic.
Posted By: adrian.malacoda (8/10/2012 6:12:30 AM)


UMAD BRO deck, a tribal troll deck.

The Legendary tribal creature? This.
Posted By: Anzu-chan (10/11/2012 1:17:51 PM)


This is a great card but it seems like (with the low casting cost) there should be some catch or drawback Autumn Willow is also a 4/4 has a relatively similarly decent ability, yet costs 6 to cast compared to Troll's 4. Either way, this is is still a great card to have in your green decks.
Posted By: myownworst (10/15/2012 5:14:15 AM)


@AncientTimer: Here's the thing, your whole list (although very ridiculously good cards, far too good) is subject to destruction at a cmc of 1-2. When I cast Elesh Norn, I may laugh cruelly but she may not resolve. When I play Phyrexian Obliterator, sweat still beads on my brow at the prospect of a terminate (or God forbid a flippin' dreadbore!) lingering in my opponent's hand. But from the time I tap my forests, to the time "Trollface swings for the kill." I know my opponent's moral just dropped. Automatically. No matter what.
Posted By: Jerec_Onyx (10/28/2012 7:41:07 PM)



Thrun's official theme.
Posted By: Arachnos (12/11/2012 9:32:49 AM)


Amazing! There are NO drawbacks to Thrun! 5/5
Posted By: niallcmurray86 (1/13/2013 8:16:18 PM)


One thing I actually noticed, the Oracle text on this card describes it as "Hexproof," when actually, it came out after the printing of the hexproof mechanic, specifically with the words "can't be the target of spells etc." and NOT hexproof.
As there are now cards which can remove specifically "Hexproof" from cards (Glaring Spotlight), should that not be corrected in the rulings section? (After being verified, of course)
Posted By: CaptainCaramel (2/21/2013 2:59:15 PM)


Check out Troll Ascetic for your own cheaper mini-Thrun.

@MortisAngelus: If your EDH deck (which is the format with HUGE and efficient creatures) can't deal with one measly 4/4 that's a little hard to get rid of, then yeah it must really suck. And it must run no decent board wipes or sacrifice abilities. And I thought every edh deck ran a few board wipes. Man up and fix your deck rather than hating on the card.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (4/14/2013 4:55:34 AM)


Thrun, the Last Skullkid
Posted By: TheWaddleDeeKing (4/18/2013 12:52:38 PM)


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