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Things that can kill this guy: Infect/Wither creatures and that new Black Sun Zenith and All is Dust. Am I missing anything?

EDIT: Man, I opened up a fatpack of MBS looking for Tezzeret, and all I got was a foil of this :/ Also thanks for Wrath of God, forgot about that but that's not in standard right?
Posted By: EpicBroccoli (2/21/2011 11:13:04 AM)


Sucks. Counterspell kills it.

Oh wait. Something can kill it somehow so it sucks.
Posted By: Angry_Puppy (4/12/2011 1:59:32 AM)


Dies to Doom Blade.
Posted By: Guest742242900 (7/29/2011 5:03:06 AM)


Bad. Dies to a Storm Crow and a pump spell (e.g. Progenitus).

Posted By: Swag_Crow (12/27/2013 6:21:09 AM)


Freaking impossible to beat in commander; or at least very hard if one plays with a more expensive commander. Faced this one in my first EDH and couldn't do shit. Granted, my deck was quite bad, but I had a lot of control spells which couldn't be attached to him. I got obliviated pretty easy as the player gave it unblockable, and/or flying and/or trample (or even all at once) and my commander hp just fell like there was no tommorrow. Easily 5/5 from me.

However, there is glaring spotlight, but getting that card in the beginning is quite impossible. But theoretically it will be the doom of Thrun. Stepping up to the gates of Ravnica will be the very last mistake Thrun will ever do. Or is it?....
Posted By: MortisAngelus (3/29/2013 1:58:40 AM)


@ROBRAM89 actually you cant shapeshift into him because he can't be targeted by abilities. He should be immune to any sort of removal short of negative counters from infect or death.
Posted By: bigdeezy88 (4/22/2011 10:44:38 AM)


great card, how ever it dies to phantasmal image, black sun zenith and any other control spell that makes a player sac a creature
Posted By: alan0145 (10/10/2011 10:02:00 AM)


A delicious tribute to hunger after you gobbled up all the h'ors deuvres with Massacre Wurm.

Assuming that you live long enough to cast the Wurm with Thrun beating on you for several turns (he's likely to come out on Turn 3 in any good green deck), you're not likely to get all their creatures that way, since green isn't exactly known for 2 toughness weenies.

If you're in black, there is one anti-Thrun card in standard you should be thinking of, and one card only:

Black Sun's Zenith.
Posted By: Enemy_Tricolor (11/1/2011 7:53:22 AM)


Posted By: Nexath_of_Kalastria (1/27/2012 5:55:34 AM)


With the new M14 rules, this guy is officially untouchable. If your opponent clones it, then both players can keep their own copy of thrun, but only one at a time. Does this make thrun better? Yes! Do I like the rule changes? Nope!
Posted By: flavioal28 (5/22/2013 10:05:46 PM)


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