So there's something I've always been curious about with this card. Yes she's very sexy (both card-wise and.. Well... Just look at her. We'd all tap that), but I wonder about her second ability. So if they have 8 cards and have to nix one, that's a free 3 life to you, (or you can be a *** and play Horrifying Revelation and Mental Agony and spam the crap out of life). But what about if you have a Fiend of the Shadows? If she dealt direct damage, and had Sangromancer on the field at the same time, then when the person exiles their card, do you get the three life for that as well? Or is it only specifically for things that mention "discard?"
Posted By:
(6/17/2012 9:51:05 PM)
This in EDH with Death Cloud. Nuke the board, everyone's life totals, and everyone's hands, then gain lots of life from this? seems pretty good to me...
Posted By:
(2/28/2013 8:34:41 AM)
Perhaps someone already did this; but I have to comment on the flavor for this card. It is a black Vampire with the Mirran watermark. From what I've seen, there simply aren't that many black Mirran cards, or vampires, in the Mirrodin Besieged block. What was the thought behind this card? What would she be doing with the rest of the Mirrans, who tend to lean towards white? I don't know. Just caught my mind.
Posted By:
(6/24/2013 2:34:18 AM)
Vampire stripper? wut?
Posted By:
(11/19/2013 12:25:58 PM)
4/5. A 3/3 flyer for 4 is average, but the life gain bonus for removal is over the top.
Posted By:
(3/19/2014 7:52:45 AM)
Sweet art.
That is all.
Posted By:
(4/26/2014 11:52:46 AM)