In case it hasn't been mentioned, she still gets the Exalted bonus, if she is the only one you declare the attack with. Also, I can't be certain as to why this isn't legendary.
Posted By:
(8/3/2012 3:37:48 PM)
@BegleOne: obviously hers. Because... just compare the amount of armor the two are wearing.
Posted By:
(8/27/2012 10:12:14 PM)
Question: Will swinging with one of these allow me to use Windbrisk Heights, given they were never declared as attackers?
Posted By:
(1/18/2013 1:14:10 AM)
I think the Promo card art is really good. And the fact that you get two 1/1 tokens tapped and attacking makes a very nasty combo with my Instigator gang...
Posted By:
(3/26/2013 9:29:23 AM)
Attacking twice nets you 18 damage... tell me how many 9/4s for 4 you've seen in magic.
Also, dodges all legacy removal except Swords.
-Lily eats the tokens
-Bolt's too small
-They have to Pfire twice
-Too big for Decay
and with that, she's in color with Mother of Runes, Thalia, and other white hosers. Good luck removing her, blocking her, or really getting much of a game in after she hits.
There's no joking around with the amount of power she packs, especially with Brave the Elements style cards netting your guys Unblockable; though Mother is enough to get the tokens and get her through.
Posted By:
(2/3/2014 12:30:43 PM)
Ridiculously good. This card needs to be answered or met at least with enough resistance to force it to die in combat were it to attack.
The only real drawbacks to this card are that it takes a turn to get ready and is *only* average on defense.
Truly one of the chase mythics of the set, and one of those cards they print just to make more money.
Honestly, despite all the good this card brings, I wish they would print these less, as they invalidate many other creatures in magic. It does a lot of damage to a format like Commander/EDH were the idea was to play decks built mainly starting from a thematic standpoint.
Posted By:
(2/6/2014 1:34:35 PM)
can't go wrong with awesome knights! If I only I had just one awesome knight stand....
"Forever Alone"
Posted By:
(3/18/2014 6:32:57 PM)