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On first sight this seems too expensive for what it does, but just as I was about to trash it I thought of some good uses.

Mono-red: get it out with geosurge, then power up firebreathing? moltensteel dragon I'm looking at you...

Mono-green: never mind buffing Elves... think of how big your genesis wave will be!
Posted By: grey-warden (5/14/2011 1:45:35 AM)


So they split Mirari's Wake into 5 pieces and cast a piece into each of the suns of Mirrodin? Nice.

Upping it's CMC by one and making it colorless? Very Nice.
Posted By: jkt3 (5/17/2011 4:25:33 PM)


How massive would that cage be, to be 2 or 3 times the diameter of a sun?
Posted By: BastianQoU (5/17/2011 10:51:28 PM)


hmm a nice boost, too bad i use colorless artifacts mostly LOLZ
Posted By: Khultar (5/28/2011 11:30:29 AM)


Well, this just helps every non-artifact, non-multi color deck. This isn't that bad, run this in a green elf deck you already bringing it out by turn 3 if you do it right, even at that, its searchable with treasure mage!?!? well now you just made everyone cry on the inside i give it 5/5 for being very flavorable, able to be used in any deck, and just a "win more" in most decks that doesn't really need to run it for anything but to help bring their creatures more power boost.
Posted By: LordTaco (5/28/2011 4:58:35 PM)


Oh the things I would do with you if I had you and a prototype portal... Just thinking of the mana acceleration there makes me giddy.
Posted By: Multihunter (6/1/2011 2:01:40 AM)


Gauntlet of Might Is arguably better for red, but very hard to find. (I happen to own 9 of them lol.)
Gauntlet of Power More all-around GoM for 1 more.
Mirari's Wake Much better if you're running those colors. Works only for you, and for every color/creature, instead of just one in particular.
Caged Sun Great for everything else, if you can ramp into it or trick it into play.
Posted By: endersblade (6/4/2011 1:06:14 PM)


Played against a girl playing a monored deck with these, some red mana producing myr to help get it out faster, some Dragonspeaker Shaman and lots and lots of big nasty dragons.

Got very nasty about turn 5 or 6.
Posted By: Fenizrael (8/27/2011 8:02:51 AM)


This could easily go into a 2 color deck. Simply run lots of duel lands.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/11/2011 8:05:28 PM)


I'm a tad surprised that the two colors mentioned the most here are Blue and Green. I'm going to get one of these and stick it in a Black Red mana ramp deck with olivia and possibly her big little sister Drana. For standard ways of getting a lot of one turn manna quickly see: infernal plunge and Seething Song. For Legacy culling the weak and dark ritual.
Posted By: Zoah (1/15/2012 2:58:43 AM)


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