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May be sweet in a High Tide abuse style deck. You didn't combo out? Well just plop him down and start over! You have the mana, you have the instant speed, your opponent no longer has any cards, and you have 7 to try the combo again or just.. beat face!

Hell, it may be worth it to just "combo" into *him* and call it good.
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/22/2013 9:52:44 AM)


Put an Eldrazi in your deck, don't play it, and never worry about running out of cards. Just take care of their graveyard hate with the many control spells you should be drawing.

Kozilek, Butcher of Truth | Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre | Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
Posted By: Bobth (3/23/2013 6:24:14 AM)


Now replacing Arcanis the Omnipotent, it is easily one of the best reanimation targets out there, alongside:

Iona, Shield of Emeria (lock-out);
Reya Dawnbringer and Sheoldred, Whispering One (reanimation boost);
Magus of the Disk (artifact, creature and enchantment destruction);
Avatar of Woe and Visara the Dreadful (creature destruction);
Sundering Titan (land destruction);
Angel of Despair and Terastodon (permanent destruction);
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Massacre Wurm, and Thunder Dragon (token destruction);
Avacyn, Angel of Hope and Inkwell Leviathan (protection from removal);
Drogskol Reaver, Felidar Sovereign, Grisel... (see all)
Posted By: SubstantiaNigra (4/6/2013 3:17:04 AM)


I have some pretty stupid friends who think this guy is bad. I tell them:"You're drawing SEVEN cards a turn!!"
They say:"But he's 10 mana." Throw him in a Simic ramp deck for Pete's sake, you're drawing 7 freaking cards.
Posted By: EdgarPoeAllen (6/17/2013 12:42:18 PM)


Those are some nice cards your drawing there, mind if I take them?

I think both Notion Thief and Jin-Gitaxias live in the Reliquary Tower, lol.
Posted By: SquirePath (6/17/2013 2:32:28 PM)


This card wont make you any friends. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Also, Strionic Resonator, because why settle for 7 cards per turn when you could have 14?
Posted By: N3wtn (8/11/2013 3:57:28 PM)


Play this card in a discard reanimator deck to get him out on turn two. I did that to a guy, and he quit immediately. you don;t even have to have any blue mana to cast him, just search your library or don;t play a card from your hand on your opening turn, place him in your graveyard, and bring him straight onto the battlefield. screw the 10 mana cost, i played him for 2 mana.
Posted By: Wayner52 (10/14/2013 10:41:00 AM)


Mono blue Commander. Threatens to win the game in a very strong way. There is a ton of ramp in artifacts so... pretty cheesy deck right there. Just ramp to 14 or something and hold 2 counters.

Plus mono blue has cyclonic rift, so gg.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/10/2013 1:35:29 PM)


Flash feels a little odd for something that costs so much, but it helps a surprisingly large amount.
Posted By: Syrtees (12/2/2013 9:17:24 AM)


Gitaxias does for blue what Elesh Norn does for white: be the biggest, the baddest, and the splashiest damn creature in the game.
Yes, he dies to Doom Blade. Yes, he might mill you out.
But if you have the balls to put Jin-Gitaxias on the board, then you absolutely have earned every single card he brutally rips out of your deck.
Posted By: Heretical_Tarp (1/4/2014 6:39:46 PM)


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