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Community Rating: 4.205 / 5  (249 votes)
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Use with Erayo, Soratami Ascendant...

But his other ability against opponents would easily be countered by Reliquary Tower, or Spellbook...
Posted By: Jedijoe (5/9/2011 2:27:28 AM)


lorescale coatl is in love...
Posted By: GengilOrbios (5/9/2011 11:04:17 AM)


Posted By: blindthrall (5/9/2011 7:23:25 PM)


Um, well, you see, Psychosis Crawler.
Posted By: DeathDark (5/10/2011 8:46:13 PM)


They are printing quite a lot of Timmy cards these days....

...but that is hilarious that the card draw is mandatory.
Posted By: Enchantment_Removal (5/11/2011 9:39:12 AM)


I would think this card would be a lot scarier with some sort of protection. I get it.. if he comes down and stays there it's some serious card advantage. On the other hand, any go for the throat, or vendetta, or grasp of darkness, or dismember, or artillerize, or doom blade etc etc will take him out. Which is fine, but then he costs 10 mana. On an eldrazi it didn't matter so much because they were all giving you something in return, artisan of kozilek raised up more dead guys to the battlefield, kozilek drew cards, ulamog destroys something, and emrakul gets you a free turn. More over, ulamog and emrakul have indestructibility and then protection from colored spells. I like this card.. a lot.. I really do. I just have a tendency to stay away from cards that cost this much, and don't have an enters the battlefield ability or some kind of protection. Other than that, I could see myself playing this card in a casual ramp deck for sure. Even without tricking it out with sword of ... (see all)
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (5/11/2011 7:16:06 PM)


@Donovan, unless you're trying to pull off the sword shenanigans, this guy is coming down on your opponent's end step. They have to respond right then or they're in topdeck mode for a long time.
Posted By: auriscope (5/14/2011 2:23:40 PM)


The best of all the Praetors. Throw him in a reanimator deck and have him out second turn while people still have most of their hands.
Posted By: BattleFish (5/14/2011 9:55:22 PM)


Niv-Mizzet + Psychosis Crawler.
Posted By: SolidSoldier (5/17/2011 3:12:14 AM)


The only issue I have with him is the cost, but for 7 extra cards every turn and eliminating the opponent's hands at Instant speed I can accept it.
Posted By: Diachronos (5/18/2011 11:34:57 AM)


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