@Fictionarious: Thanks for linking to that article; it was interesting to read. But the best thing about it is the final paragraph, pondering that in ten years, people will look back on recently-made cards and wonder what they were thinking. Then the poll reveals this article was written shortly after the release of Darksteel. XD My reaction: "You have no idea..."
Posted By:
(10/19/2012 1:51:00 PM)
I'm going to pretend that the only reason this isn't banned in Modern is that everyone has the dignity to not use it.
Posted By:
(10/19/2012 5:26:39 PM)
"If I say "dies to Murder" will people finally stop bitching about this thing?"
Ha ha ha, nope! Don't count on it. This was in block with two much MUCH better removal spells, Go for the Throat and Dismember, both of which saw quite a bit of play (especially Dismember). Tempered Steel would occasionally run Dispatch, which was a fantastic way of dealing with this. Control decks had counters, Vapor Snag, and Day of Judgment to deal with this thing. Once M12 came around, Oblivion Ring was back in for dealing with this. The only colors that really couldn't answer this well were green and red, and that's only because their answers were situational as opposed to nonexistent.
No amount of answers will ever get the casuals to shut up about this card. Heck, there are probably at least three of four cards I didn'... (see all)
Posted By:
(10/23/2012 9:27:28 AM)
Angel of Jubilation
Posted By:
(11/12/2012 6:52:38 AM)
My love of black and everything it represents continues.
This card is NOT broken; there is SO much creature removal that doesn't deal damage, that if they have no answer to it in they're deck, that's their problem. Plus as it's been stated, at 4B it'll be hard to play in anything but mono-black.
@Pick15; To answer your question, they made it better! That's what happened. Obviously!
@alzbo; It's always appropriate to play him. If he's so hated then they can find a way to remove him.
@NolHavent; Thank you for having some reason.
Posted By:
(11/20/2012 1:35:44 PM)
damn. I can't use lava axe
Posted By:
(1/15/2013 7:29:30 AM)
So, I see some people are babbling about the fact that this card was balanced by its cost. I strongly disagree. This card, honestly could've cost five black and still see play, but that's not the point. Black is the color of reanimation. Not only is it easy to dredge or discard this guy into your graveyard to get him out, he then easily comes back! I run one in my green white black EDH deck, and many a time has my opponents have cried when they swing and I control both Elvish Piper and Fauna Shaman, flashing out a Phyrexian Obliterator from my library for the small cost of {G}{G} and discarding a creature. He was meant to be cheated into play. Though I have hard casted him before, and in a tri-color deck, that is a satisfying feeling.
Posted By:
(2/21/2013 6:02:27 AM)
@itsharvesttime: Elvish Piper is ridiculously overpowered and unfair. You can't combo a good card with a broken card and then call the good card broken. That's like comboing Ancestral Recall with Consecrated Sphinx and blaming the Sphinx...
Posted By:
(4/13/2013 8:40:22 AM)
I never thought I would say that I'm happy that my friend's mono black Modern deck is Infect, because if he had four copies of this guy I'm pretty sure I would quit the game.
5/5, no question. It's unfortunate that he was so hosed so much back when he was in Standard because everyone ran Dismember.
Posted By:
(7/19/2013 10:14:03 AM)
That's an awful lot of destruction for one card. This actually works better with less aggressive decks since nobody would ever want to block it in most cases and that ability deters attacks. On another note, that mana cost has just become a huge asset thanks to theros' devotion mechanic.
Posted By:
(10/14/2013 2:17:44 PM)