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Yawgmoth's Bargain, Necrologia, Sanguine Bond...
Great card in the right deck.
Posted By: donjohnson (10/3/2010 12:34:45 PM)


It can probably be really annoying in a deck that draws lots of cards, but at the same time 5 mana is a lot. It's probably very useful in casual permission or similar decks, but at higher levels, there's just not room in a deck for this.
Posted By: SleetFox (10/6/2010 12:42:17 PM)


Would work well with Promise of Power
Posted By: Echo72 (10/7/2010 10:10:49 AM)


from just the revealed cards from Mirrodin besieged this cards usefulness just shot up!
Posted By: Yozuk (1/21/2011 8:26:15 AM)


Anyone who says 5 mana is too much is seriously way too narrow-minded. I've lost many a game just to this card, due to the sheer amount of passive life-gain. Sure, it's not competitively-geared, but in casual-play, I groan every time I see the darn thing; it's drastically over-powered in slower formats like any sort of EDH.

Sword or War and Peace is pretty much needed just to what, keep half this card at bay? Assuming you get your hit in each turn. Because now all Storm Seeker and Sudden Impact do against No Maximum Handsize decks are negate a single turn of passive gain.
Posted By: Dr.Pingas (6/22/2011 11:40:31 PM)


I don't care what deck you're playing, this is some serious passive life gain.
Posted By: dberry02 (7/2/2011 3:18:14 PM)


Just want it established I run this card in my Nin, the Pain Artist EDH. I've got nuts card draw, and this just cements my advantage. Not having to discard is awesome.
Posted By: bfugitive (7/21/2011 10:16:22 AM)


Five 5 mana, I really think if it said "During your draw step, draw an additional card" wouldn't have been too broken.

If you do, then you may be right, perhaps if you have metalcraft, draw an extra card.

I also think it would be loads better if it said, "During your first main phase, gain life equal to the number of cards in hand."

I don't think either would make this card crazy, I know its not the best example, but in M2012 the game, I just pulled this out of Tezz's deck, its just absolute crap. I know it can be great in some decks, but... actually its usually just spending way too much for Spellbook and some lifegain maybe

Ya think pages that contain "lifetimes" of information would be worth... something?
Posted By: ICEFANG13 (9/4/2011 1:46:35 PM)


Its an expensive combination, but if you can make the mana available (Dark Ritual)and protect them, this is a terrifying combination with Sanguine Bond.
Posted By: Duddits (10/9/2011 8:12:42 AM)


I play this in my esper tezzeret, I'm Running this alongside 4 tezzeret, 4 metamorphs,a mimic vat and a prototype portal, also with 2 unburial rights, so once i have one on the field it soon turns to 3 or 4 vensers journal..... then i gain 12 a turn-15 a turn-18 a turn, etc... This looks like a piece of shit at first glance but I've managed to make it successfully work.
Posted By: Harriyama (10/12/2011 5:54:37 PM)


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