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Community Rating: 4.171 / 5  (211 votes)
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Give all your creatures troll shroud and 2cmc regenerate for 5CMC in the mana accel colour...
Posted By: Sironos (10/10/2010 7:43:05 AM)


I just keep looking at Asceticism and then to Platinum Angel, then back at Asceticism. Sadly, I can't quite fill in the gaps, as in what would the rest of the deck look like. However, I do think there just might be something real in this two card synergy/combo because it essentially says "win the game".
Posted By: Zenzei (10/16/2010 12:36:34 AM)


Oh, just read the text. Haha
Posted By: Mike-C (2/28/2011 11:45:52 AM)


Great for multiplayer decks, sucks everywhere else. I mean, by itself, it does nothing directly to help you win. Doesn't kill your opponents stuff, doesn't deal damage... It's only useful IF you got creatures that are worth the protection, and IF your opponent has cards that need to target your creatures. Especially the latter one ain't necessarily true. So... good for multiplayer, not so great everywhere else, 3/5.
Posted By: majinara (9/27/2010 2:37:41 AM)


I hate this.
Posted By: SIlverSkyz (9/23/2010 5:11:19 PM)


if you think this card is playable AT ALL you haven't looked at any card in the set
INFECT and target creature gets -4/-4 until end of turn BOTH prevent regenerate and the creature dies!
seriously here are a few major arch types already in the making: Red deck wins W/ Koth ; Infect - any combo of Blue Black Green if not red and white; Elspeth destruction you can't regenerate this enchantment; blue white control with bounce ; and every one of these using proliferate. i think regeneration after turn 4 is pointless if you are against a decent deck.

@ Minus_Prime: so this is the broken card of the format? is that why it cost $2 on ebay for a playset?
Posted By: BioPrince (10/8/2010 1:33:31 PM)


Everyone here has commented on the affects this enchantment has on the enchantments controllers creatures. What about the opponents??? "Regenerate target creature," could regenerate an opponents creatures as well. Isn't a side affect of regeneration the creature becoming tapped? Correct me if I'm wrong, but this looks like a very novel way to tap your opponents creatures as well. Broken indeed! 5/5 for me.
Posted By: spatch3 (12/12/2010 6:52:05 AM)


It's really over for black/blue players if this hits the board. Destroy the Meek is an exception but without black spells to destroy Mana-Generators, the storm is still gonna come.
Posted By: SorianSadaskan (9/26/2010 7:53:30 AM)


Elfdrazi comeback anyone?
Posted By: crimson149 (9/27/2010 12:52:47 AM)


Novablast Wurm's new best friend.
Posted By: EternalLurker (10/7/2010 1:51:05 PM)


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