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Community Rating: 3.943 / 5  (115 votes)
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Something that immediately springs to mind are darksteel axe silver-inlaid dagger trusty machete sylvok lifestaff accorder's shield and other such low mana low equip, permanently attached type things - you could end up with a huge army rather quickly. Another thought is giving her a champion's helm - if you have enough fairly useless equipment to make her a monster, you cetrainly don't want her to be taken out by a strip bare or the like
Posted By: Cloudchaser.Kestrel (12/23/2011 8:42:08 PM)


Lol same pose as Nissa! Anyways, great card.
Posted By: Phage123 (6/28/2012 7:37:46 PM)


Things like the Whispersilk Cloak and any of the swords are great uses to her, as are Konda's Banner and many other things, but all you really need to make impacts with her is a Darksteel Plate and a Worldslayer.
Posted By: ShatterPalm (7/5/2013 9:00:32 AM)


After seeing this card, people can't complain that females in Magic: The Gathering are underrepresented.

I'm also surprised to see the artist! Todd Lockwood? The same guy who drew Niv-Mizzet?
Posted By: ConsoleCleric (11/18/2013 4:05:37 AM)


Good card, once you get past her...
Posted By: talcumpowder0046 (1/9/2014 6:52:30 PM)


This card is crazy good paired with the right stuff.

Turn 1: Plains, Meekstone, Spidersilk Net and Paradise Mantle times however many you have in your hand
Turn 2: Plains, Puresteel Paladin, equip him with everything for free
Turn 3: Plains, Kemba, Kha Regent, tap Paradise Mantle and summon Slagwurm Armor and then move everything to Kemba for free
Kemba is now a 2/12 with reach and summons 3 cats a turn
Turn 4: Plains, Juntu Stakes and Lightning Greaves/Blind Obedience/Imposing Sovereign
Anything bigger or smaller than 2 power wise now can't untap and any new creatures come into play tapped or Kemba has shroud. Build up the army of cats and use Kemba for blocking everything.

Posted By: Weretarantula (1/29/2014 9:11:00 PM)


I have no idea why this was rated lower than 4. Have you all lost your minds? 2/4 for 3 is already slightly above the curve, then consider that it will pump out several cute little kittehz every turn...
Posted By: CFLuke (5/3/2014 10:25:55 PM)


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