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Community Rating: 3.660 / 5  (144 votes)
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I love how completely out of place this card is. Where is this going to fit into standard? Nowhere. As much as I would absolutely die to see a WUBRG control deck in the top 8 it aint gonna happen, this is a fun casual card and I applaude wizards for returning to what this game is: a game.
Posted By: TheSwarm (5/1/2011 5:34:00 PM)


combo's well with melira, sylvok outcast.
Posted By: garabor (4/28/2011 2:00:43 PM)


on its own you can get a 10/10 turn 6, people are getting all caught up on the fact that its 10 mana, its 5 mana for a 5/5 and 5 mana for +5/+5 and draw 3, you can watt a turn and get all your mana back, meaning that it is far more efiecient than a 10 drop, if they kill it before it becomes a 10/10, ok, you lost 5 mana and a 5/5, a lot, but not unrecoverable, if they kill it after it becomes a 10/10, you still get your 3 cards. Comboing it is help full, but overal unnecessary.
Posted By: bijart_dauth (5/16/2011 5:24:39 PM)



You'd actually have to pay 11. 5 for this, 1 for hex parasite, and then 5 as the X in the parasites activated ability cost. The black phymana is just an additional one time cost for the activation, the X can only be payed with mana
Posted By: Alluceanot (4/30/2011 1:08:56 PM)


Not work with Torpor Orb: all triggers begin with the words "when", "whenever" or "at". Etched Monstrosity doesn't use any of them.
Posted By: Lohran (4/28/2011 3:57:18 PM)


Basically , it's ability says "Tap {WUBGR} For +5/+5 and draw 3 cards. , and even if you don't manage to pay the cost immediately next turn , it wasn't a complete waste of mana...you have a 5/5 for 5 on the upside.
Posted By: Combolulz (4/28/2011 2:10:30 PM)


combo with quillespike
Posted By: Guest2103034515 (4/30/2011 6:00:56 AM)


Love it. I wish it had been illustrated by Cavotta like the etched oracle and etched champion before it.
Posted By: Youlose20life (5/20/2011 12:51:22 PM)


I LOVE the flavor of this card, and the fact that its a shout out to the old Mirran stuff. Plus, 5-color cards are my thing.

In terms of usefulness, too, its a pretty good card. Considering cards like Alloy Myr, Channel the Suns, and Darksteel Ingot, this card is highly effective. The only blaring point of weakness is that it could die pretty quickly in a proliferation deck, if you don't have the necessary typing. Also, the cost-to-power/toughness could be a mite better.

All in all, 4/5. Not unstoppable, but a staple for a 5-color deck, especially one with artifacts.
Posted By: FiveColorFinder (6/2/2011 1:58:40 PM)


YES mythics are back to where they were meant to be. hard to use but amazing if you do.
Posted By: Kyzar (4/30/2011 3:53:48 PM)


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