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Probably the second strongest of the cycle.

The Shrines have a tendency to just sit in the corner and be forgotten, and then all of a sudden your opponent looks over and is like "Oh, hey, that's a 12 damage cannon pointed at my face."

It's great in a Limited pool even if you're not running red, since it upticks every turn regardless, so it's a good source of a lot of damage. If you can drop this turn 2 and chip away for 5-6 turns, you're liable to have enough counters on here to blow them off the face of the earth. Or Mirrodin, as it were.
Posted By: Magnor_Criol (5/9/2011 12:54:56 AM)


most useful of the shrines, especially for kor firewalker and phyrexian crusader. pretty sure this will replace perilous myr. the other shrines are shrine of boundless growth shrine of limitless power shrine of loyal legions and shrine of piercing vision.
Posted By: garabor (4/28/2011 1:34:06 PM)


Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (6/27/2011 10:04:26 AM)


This is both powerful, and wonderfully skill-testing.

Opening eight: Mountain x3, Goblin Guide, Ember Hauler, Lightning Bolt, Goblin Grenade, Shrine of Burning Rage. What would you play on your 2nd turn?

What if instead of Bolt you have Goblin Chieftain? Goblin Bushwacker? A fourth Mountain or a second Shrine? Does it matter which colors your opponent is playing?
Posted By: Gabriel422 (7/26/2011 5:02:56 PM)


This card is amazing one of the best of the new phyrexia set. First of all its colorless damage so bye bye protection from red, second in a mono red deck with a proliferate engine ( volt charge or tezzeret's gambit) its crazy and can get to 4 counters the turn after it was played.
Posted By: TheDonMega (5/7/2011 10:38:36 PM)


Second turn Shrine, third turn Volt Charge is a legitimate game plan in Standard - especially on the play, where it can burn out a Stoneforge Mystic or Lotus Cobra before they get out of hand.
Posted By: jstorrie (5/11/2011 3:22:30 PM)


This card is seriously dangerous. No reason to not throw atleast 1 of these in every Standard deck. A cheap win condition that goes in ANY deck. This is the sleeper card of the set, in my opinion.
Posted By: guitargamer79 (5/14/2011 12:55:11 AM)


Been standard testing with koth, this, a ton of burn spells, kargan dragonlord. These all benefit from Volt charge. It's pretty killer. They either get kothed to death on turn 5, or they realize that the shrine is going to kill them no matter what they do by turn 6. The shrine gets a counter even if the red spell gets countered right? that's what I've been doing.
Posted By: Opaque (5/14/2011 2:10:41 AM)


Played against this today, against a mate testing mono-red. Seriously, seriously dangerously card - unles you can gain some life (wurmcoil engine, kor firewalker, batterskull, and Tezzeret being ways to do so that came up today) this gives the red deck inevitability with a reasonable clock, something it never had before. Particularly sweet if you're packing a lot of burn spells, staggershock in particular (although volt charge seems good too). Definitely changes the dynamic of the mono-red matchup - no more suriving at 5 life. You now have to gain some life on a consistent basis, or race them. Interesting, interesting card, 5/5 for sheel coolness - let alone its considerable power level.
Posted By: cloneffect (5/15/2011 1:00:28 PM)


This card gives me so much trouble when I'm playing against it! Great card!
Posted By: Trent_Almighty (7/5/2011 9:03:44 AM)


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