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Not as good us deadly as Plumeveil or annoying as Wall of Denial but lets wait and see what happens. You never know.
Posted By: 1919 (4/29/2011 7:56:47 PM)


@Kryplixx Nope. Trample damage and damage to this happens at the same time. Damage doesn't stack anymore.
Posted By: shadmed (5/5/2011 7:02:17 PM)


It's not exactly like that, shadmed, but the effect is the same. You only have to assign enough damage with a trampler to the defending creature(s) to kill them.
Posted By: Alsebra (5/9/2011 12:31:53 AM)


The absolute answer to porcelain legionnaire.
Posted By: God_Of_The_Smurfs (5/15/2011 5:04:39 AM)


there are two possibilities:
1. it blocks and survives
2. it blocks and kills attacker(s)
that's pretty good
Posted By: GengilOrbios (5/22/2011 11:32:28 AM)


third possibility:
3. be shattered, bolted, doombladed, naturalized

But still this card is good. I might be using this for as potential blocker for my artifact infect/proliferate deck. :)
Posted By: bluemaxx (5/25/2011 12:20:20 AM)


If anything, it slows down the weenie beats or forces your opponent to spend removal on it. I like.
Posted By: Vinifera7 (5/28/2011 4:30:23 AM)


Is this during the combat phase or combat step? Could I sacrifice it for another benefit after it is declared as a blocker?
Posted By: VampireHounds (6/1/2011 5:11:25 PM)


Thwarts trample? I think not!

702.18b The controller of an attacking creature with trample first assigns damage to the creature(s)
blocking it. Once all those blocking creatures are assigned lethal damage, any remaining
damage is assigned as its controller chooses among those blocking creatures and the player or
planeswalker the creature is attacking. When checking for assigned lethal damage, take into
account damage already marked on the creature and damage from other creatures that’s being
assigned during the same combat damage step, but not any abilities or effects that might change
the amount of damage that’s actually dealt. The attacking creature’s controller need not assign
lethal damage to all those blocking creatures but in that case can’t assign any damage to the
player or planeswalker it’s attacking.

So, if I read this right, the defending player is assigned trample damage as a result of the an attacking trampler assigning lethal damage to CM. CM doesn't assign ... (see all)
Posted By: elhajjaj (7/23/2011 12:38:47 PM)


Might be some fun with Valor Made Real or Blaze of Glory, although there are better targets for that (death touchers for example).
Posted By: Mode (8/27/2011 2:44:28 AM)


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