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"Hey there little kitty. Are you lost little fel - - OH SWEET JEESUS!"
Seriously, though, it's a very decent card. I'd have no problem running four in a basic white-ish infect deck.
Posted By: Worldwalker1 (5/16/2011 11:05:16 PM)


I love the art (former Black player) and the card feels like it wants some Emerge Unscathed and other protection cards to slip in those poison counters.

This isn't a 4/1. A 4/1 can kill creatures with a toughness of 4.
Posted By: Eved (5/4/2011 9:35:35 AM)


As a stand alone creature not particularly dangerous. However,
First turn. Reveal a Chancellor of the tangle to get one green mana. Play a plains and lost leonin turn one.
Second turn. if he's unfortunate to have no creatures on his first turn assuming you go first, two invigorates. 10/9 infect you win. Even if he goes second, if he doesn't have a creature its over.
Posted By: Ragingavatar (2/22/2012 10:28:28 PM)


This is essentially a bit stronger than a 4/1, assuming Proliferate shenanigans.
Posted By: Polychromatic (5/5/2011 5:48:22 PM)


@TheWrathofShane: Wow, did you come up with that on your own, or did one of your friends tell that to you after a failed deck?

Of course you shouldn't mix infect and non-infect. Literally anyone could tell you that.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (5/12/2013 10:44:46 AM)


A 4/1 for 2 seems.....good.....
Posted By: MrBarrelRoll (4/29/2011 4:01:51 AM)


I'm sort of ***ed that this and one another card I fail to remember are the only two white creatures with infect in New Phyrexia.

I think.

(The white praetor technically makes all enemy creatures get -2/-2 so I dunno, Godhead or something?)
Posted By: Deepfried-Owls (4/28/2011 11:01:39 PM)


that does not look like a cat....
Posted By: danyo622 (4/30/2011 8:54:59 AM)


I am not a fan of infect, unless I dedicate my deck to winning with poison counters.
To me its a waste of time going for two win conditions.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (1/1/2013 7:03:14 PM)


A riddle:
You are playing a goldfish, on each turn you play a basic land, you may cast one creature in total, and cannot use the land for anything other than casting the creature. What is the fastest that you can kill your opponent?
This kills your opponent turn 7, as can Slith Firewalker and Woolly Thoctar. Is anything faster than turn 7? There are at least three shades that can do it by turn 6 if you allow use of the land. But is there another way to get under 7?
Posted By: kiseki (9/1/2011 3:43:18 PM)


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