I'm not sure about this card. On one hand, you're basically slapping the tempo of your opponent in the face; particularly if they're hurting for one-drops. On the other, there's a big dud in your hand that, when you finally WILL be able to play it, won't even be that much of a bomb. By turn 7, most people won't (or shouldn't) be too pressed to find 1 extra mana.
Posted By:
(8/5/2011 11:15:16 AM)
Overcosted and underpowered maybe, but a fine addition to a UW EDH control deck, especially with Augustine as the general and a lot of effects that increase opponent mana costs.
Posted By:
(12/21/2011 2:59:05 PM)
One of the better chancellors? i like that it forces them to either let somthing get countered or wait an extra turn to play somthing if its in your opening hand... but even then its just a dead card for a couple of turns.
Posted By:
(4/28/2011 3:34:17 PM)
Ehh, this card kinda sucks for 7 mana.. I mean, the opening hand ability is cool, but once you reveal it they know 1 of the cards in your hand, an irrelevent one at that. As for the second ability. The only decks that ability is dangerous to would kill you before you can get it one, or would be able to just destroy/bounce/exile it for a low cost.
If you plan on using this, you better hope your opponent draws a terrible hand.. and gets crap draws....
Posted By:
(6/14/2011 2:14:45 AM)
Love this card, love taunting my friends with it "See? New Phyrexia has angels! Look at this one, doesn't she seem happy?"
What I love even more is bringing her (it?) out and cutting down any of those pesky strategies that let them cast spells for 0 cost. Shut down a friend of mine who managed to get that 20 cost Eldrazi ability. He had to pay for every Eldrazi he wanted to bring out, and he didn't have much left after the casting cost.
My friends hate this card.
Posted By:
(5/7/2012 1:51:11 PM)
I neither like the art, nor the effect... nor the fact that it is an angel.
For the opening hand option, they could have made a Daze version with phyrexian mana instead of the island bouncing.
For the static version, I would have preferred a non-counter version... a simple "spells cost 1 more". This gets really annoying to remind your opponents. I know how stupoid this will be, since Rhystic Study was quite common.
Posted By:
(6/2/2011 1:11:18 AM)
Karn Liberated
Posted By:
(6/3/2011 6:28:28 PM)
Beautifully, utterly cruel, not to mention just plain beautiful: This is probably tied with Elesh Norn for my favorite white artwork in the set. It's also another entry in the growing family of angels who make your opponent's life very difficult: Could you imagine a Kaalia of the Vast commander deck with the likes of Avacyn, Sigarda, Iona and Linvala, not to mention Angelic Arbiter, Platinum Angel and maybe Angel of Jubilation or Shattered Angel? Assuming you played cautiously and saw fit to pack plenty of protection for Kaalia, your opponents would soon find themselves unable to do nearly anything at all!
...You'd probably lose a friend every time you played such a deck, mind you, but maybe you could get away with it if you only playe... (see all)
Posted By:
(7/7/2012 10:04:03 AM)
That opening hand ability is what really shines about this card. The static ability is killer, don't get me wrong, but by 7 mana that tax of 1 won't be hard for the opponent to scrounge up.
Her first ability, though, kills the early game for the opponent. No more T1 spells. No more T2 two-drops. And it's not like it only lasts that turn; it sticks around until they finally cast something and pay it, or intentionally "pitch" a spell to it by voluntarily not paying the tax.
This is pretty brutal to what would otherwise be fast decks. You have to get her in your opening hand, yeah, and then you're burdened with a 7-drop for a while - but I think that ability is worth it.
Posted By:
(5/4/2011 10:06:59 PM)
Posted By:
(5/5/2011 5:13:56 PM)