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I hate drawing these on turn two.
Posted By: kiseki (7/26/2011 4:14:59 PM)


I'm planning a Birthing Pod deck that chains into this card. Imagine:

T1: Land, anything (Cathedral Membrane comes to mind)
T2: Land, Porcellain Legionnaire
T3: Land, Tumble Magnet
T4: Land, Birthing Pod
T5: Use the pod to chain the Legionnaire into Solemn Simulacrum, then with the Magnet, chain Sad Robot into Acidic Slime (or Archon of Justice)
T6: Chain Slime (or Archon) into Brutalizer Exarch, into Chancellor of the Annex

If you wanted to, you could use the Slime and the Exarch to take out two lands. With the Chancellor out by turn 6 via this chain, you could keep your opponent to 4 lands (if they hit a land drop for 6 straight turns) and make their spells cost more. Also, if you paid the PG in life to activate the Pod, you'd have enough mana left over to Be... (see all)
Posted By: CaptainNinJoe (7/31/2011 8:33:05 PM)


Since when does White get countering?
Posted By: The_Stray (8/7/2011 2:53:13 PM)


i own a playset, run three main, one sideboard in my W/B 'Phyrexia Redeemed' deck, opening hand draws always annoy my opponents, and i can easily have that opening hand out by turn 3:
1: swamp, Dark Ritual, Gold Myr, pay 2 life, Cathedral Membrane
2: tap Gold and Swamp, Orzhov Signet, bounce swamp for Orzhov Basilica
3: Plains, tap basilica, use the B for Culling the Weak, sac Cathedral Membrane to it, tap Plains, Gold, and the W from Basilica, and BBBB from Culling, instant Chancellor

(and Yes, i actually do that on a Regular basis)
Posted By: Tassarus (8/24/2011 3:21:04 PM)


I suspect Vintage Dredge is going to run four of these in the sideboard to screw with opponents' ability to use anti-graveyard hate. This doesn't counteract Leyline of the Void, but it might hold off nearly every other Dredge-hate card long enough to get a foothold. (You could counteract it by playing a Mox Jet or whatever and letting that get countered before playing Tormod's Crypt, but it's harder to mulligan into a hand with Crypt + land/mox than it is Crypt alone, and if they happen to show two Chancellors...)

I like how Reanimator pilots saw the Chancellors spoiled, got excited, then saw Jin-Gitaxias and promptly fainted en masse. New Phyrexia was uncommonly kind to Reanimator.
Posted By: Salient (8/28/2011 5:06:06 PM)


This is my bomb in my Manabarbs deck. The opening hand ability allows me an extra turn to get my combo going.

Turn 0: Reveal this.
Turn 1: Birds of Paradise
Turn 2: Personal Sanctuary
Turn 3: Manabarbs

Then I can control the board state until I play this thing and watch as my opponents lost 1 more life and pay one more mana for each spell they cast.

Not to mention it's a 5/6 Angel.
Posted By: SarpNasty (10/23/2011 4:26:31 AM)


To my knowledge, this and Shattered Angel are the only Angels in New Phyrexia. Though they look similar at first glance, there's a distinct difference in the art styles, a subtle one, but it's there- and I like this one a lot better.

Also, the 'For teh EviLulz' riders on the New Phyrexia cards that are thrown here and there are rofl. These Chancellors are the 'flagbearer' cycle of this, in a way, because their Leyline-abilities are in keeping with the "Extra Pain...Just Be-cause" feeling you get with a Phyrexia-themed deck.

I don't want them to do this often- like, dead seriously, they should wait at least 3 years before trying it again...but...I wouldn't be upset to see them try to do something like this again. "This tribe's theme is....being a dick. just go with it." I think, this might be the best way to support Archenemy as a format in a way that is distinct from supporting Planechase, WITHOUT upsetting Standard-

the difference between other Multiplayer designs and Archenemy is... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (3/20/2012 3:58:39 PM)


If you're hard-casting this card, you're probably doing it wrong. As nasty as Elesh Norn is for Frites decks, I think that this card is pure gold in its own right.
Posted By: SkaerKrow (3/29/2012 7:07:50 AM)


Temporarily paralyses the opponent if you can get it on turn 1, giving you a precious extra turn or two before they can start off. Once it is actually in play, though, it's not too hot. A 5/6 flying body is neat, but the ability won't make too much difference late enough ingame, when you can pay 7 mana for something 1 probably won't usually make much difference.
Posted By: Arachnos (4/13/2012 11:33:10 PM)


Purest insanity.

Well, either that, or Phyrexia has really bad taxes.
Posted By: dlgn (5/8/2012 5:25:06 PM)


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