I don't like it that much.
First, infect is supposed to be aggressive, in my opinion. A 4/4 for six mana is everything but aggressive. It's slow. Next: the reason why Verdant Force was so good in it's time was, that it created stuff before your opponent could respond with sorcery speed. This one doesn't. You play it, and give your opponent a full turn to react. Even if your opponent doesn't react, you still don't have more than this 4/4 guy to attack during your next turn.
What is more: what will the tokens be good for? If you can keep attacking with this 4/4 guy, then your opponent will be dead before any token will hit him. If you can't attack with this guy because of your opponents defense, then the 1/1 tokens won't do anything either.
It's not horrible, but it's bad.
Posted By:
(5/4/2011 9:13:46 AM)
This has Precon rare written all over it.
EDIT: Hey, I was right!
Posted By:
(5/7/2011 4:04:21 PM)
I love this card! It is going to be a nasty finisher. Also if you haven't killed them by turn six with an infect deck this card will make sure of it.
Posted By:
(4/28/2011 8:27:46 PM)
Better than that--he creates his own overkill, so you can press the advantage without having to actually commit more resources. He eliminates the risk when you choose to either charge towards your win or not risk getting slaughtered by Day of Judgement (although Fresh Meat works in that particular scenario).
Posted By:
(5/2/2011 5:04:12 PM)
I think, much of the time, it will be quite awesome for playing infect in grueling multiplayer games, rather than quick duels. The poison counters can really stack up when you're poisoning lots of opponents (though you may be a rather glaring target yourself).
Posted By:
(5/5/2011 2:48:42 PM)
Not quite an Infect Titan, but close.
Posted By:
(5/16/2011 4:00:44 PM)
This guy's pretty cool. By the time you get this guy out your opponent is probably going to have 5+ poison counters already and they won't likely be able to block all of your tokens, especially if you get a second batch. Give the one that gets through a pump spell and it's game. Of course people are right. By turn seven when you would get the tokens a Putrefax or Spinebiter would have already finished the job. Perhaps if you had trouble keeping a board presence this guy would work. An army of withering 1/1s also makes for a pretty good defense. As with all 1/1 generators my mind drifts to Sigil Captain.
Posted By:
(5/19/2011 9:29:39 PM)
Awesome card! Used in combination with Eldrazi Monument and Phyrexian Crusader to get some early counters and I've only EVER lost once!
Posted By:
(5/22/2011 4:25:31 PM)
...Doesn't really fit with the flavour of my insect deck... poo...
Posted By:
(5/23/2011 8:13:08 PM)
What a horrible insect.
Posted By:
(5/26/2011 2:15:00 AM)