Copying this will cripple your foes especially if they play with 2+ colors. Good luck with getting that general of yours back on the field!
Posted By:
(2/10/2013 1:11:30 AM)
I say this cards name when the pizza arrives.
Posted By:
(3/17/2013 10:29:56 AM)
Shivan Meteor + Stone Rain = This Card. Stuffy Doll shenanigans aside, this is almost unconditional removal (which is uncommon in red) and a 2 for 1. Also, that name, I want to play this just to send my opponents' creatures into the maw of hell. Total flavor win.
Posted By:
(7/16/2013 11:44:49 AM)
WIth Mawws wide Oh- Pun! Underr the sunli-hight..
Posted By:
(8/20/2013 1:43:44 PM)
Why does this rate so much higher than Survey the Wreckage?
Posted By:
(10/13/2013 6:04:20 AM)
@ vishlord, because you're paying 2 more mana off a Stone Rain just to get a vanilla 1/1...this one actually kills something. But it seems a bit too expensive too and usable just for the pleasure of laying this down for itself. if you're playing a land destruction deck and your opponent is still able to lay down 13/13s on turn 6 then you might be in trouble..
Posted By:
(11/2/2013 5:08:34 AM)
Everyone talks about how this is great removal, and I see why you would think that, but hello? Autochthon Wurm? Worldspine Wurm?
I mean, that's 2 cards out of around 16000 Magic cards in existence, and just off the top of my head.
What's the point?
Posted By:
(11/21/2013 1:55:26 PM)
Someone on R&D mustv'e listened to Meat Loaf...
Posted By:
(1/1/2014 8:15:35 AM)
Ugh, I saw this so many times being used on a player, but I would have felt guilty correcting them, Which in hindsight, I realize is no excuse to pass up on a teaching moment, but still
this is pretty fun, basically says, be rid of a land and a dude for 6 mana, could see fringe play in EDH I guess
3/5 Stars
Posted By:
(1/28/2014 4:43:08 PM)
Bunker Buster. :)
Posted By:
(2/11/2014 9:58:37 PM)