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Community Rating: 3.107 / 5  (61 votes)
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Haha, remember when THIS was the spoiler card when Wizards wanted their Twitter account to reach a certain number of followers before they would spoil it? Good times, good times.

Oh wait, never mind. What I meant to say is, RAGE.
Posted By: MrBarrelRoll (7/8/2011 2:24:52 PM)


Meh, it's not a game ender. Three mana could always go to something better than this.
Posted By: wholelottalove (11/5/2012 6:10:56 AM)


The card is good, but what really gets me is the great art and flavor text. Why don't more cards have such fitting, interesting flavor like this one?
Posted By: Gamma_Guy (7/23/2011 10:48:58 PM)


Really an underrated card. I wouldn't even compare this to Overrun. It's way more versatile. The instant speed on this is everything. Turning nonlethal unblocked combat damage into lethal damage is only the start. Using it once blockers are declared is nearly as good. You can also use it defensively to get rid of stronger attackers (unlike Rally the Forces, which is a comparable card). Common? Even better. Time to make that white weenie deck.
Posted By: Vandarringa (8/9/2011 12:38:33 PM)


I built a pauper deck around this card. It's deadly when getting enough little white 1/1s in play. Check it out:
Posted By: badmallocx (8/11/2011 9:15:11 PM)


I started using it because I didn't want to buy Honor of the Pure. And it's pretty good. Instant speed makes it more flexible then honor, it turns last turn's Timely Reinforcements into an attack for 9 damage, or turns one combat into a one-sided massacre. It's indeed a white weenie Overrun.
Posted By: Lash_of_Dragonbreath (8/13/2011 11:44:25 AM)


This card is really good! Just because stuff like Overrun exists to make this card feel obsolete doesn't mean this isn't any good. As for me, I've come to welcome it to my spirit deck, and it's won me quite a couple of games.
Posted By: Mirran_Savior (10/8/2011 11:03:19 AM)


Definitely underrated. It takes skill and timing to pull it off, but this card can really turn a game around.
Posted By: luca_barelli (10/18/2011 4:20:59 PM)


People comparing this to Tempered Steel must not be playing White weenie in standard. With the new Mentor of the Meek in a Human Tribal weenie deck with a set of Guardians' Pledge, it will be a quick game over.

Grossly underrated. 4/5
Posted By: MasterBlaster74 (10/22/2011 12:46:41 AM)


Helps to get your weenies out of Slagstorm range at times. Especially your 2+ toughness powerhouses like Leonin Relic-Warder, Fiend Hunter, Champion of the Parish, Mirran Crusader or even your Honor of the Pure'd 2/2 tokens. Handy and flexible. I like this card.
Posted By: dalt7 (5/11/2012 10:53:49 AM)


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