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Community Rating: 3.070 / 5  (43 votes)
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Beautiful art.

And great in limited.
Posted By: LordOfTheFlies87 (5/12/2012 9:27:23 PM)


One of the better commons in the set.

Most of the things that kill it at 1 toughness would also have killed it at 2 toughness anyway (and some would have done the job at 3), so it doesn't really lose much there.

A body like that wasn't built for blocking to begin with, so I'm not too worried about that drawback, either.

Basically, a 3-power, 3-mana flyer, with marginally harmful drawbacks.
Posted By: The_Murderauder (7/1/2013 9:14:12 AM)


So, Wizards is telling us that some kind of stupid Tree Monkey can use reach to attack this thing while it's 20,000 feet in the air?
Posted By: GrayWizard (1/27/2014 6:43:38 PM)


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