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Community Rating: 3.939 / 5  (148 votes)
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i dont agree with people saying to get this card out early i prefer to play it when i have around 10+ mana out using llanowar elves, viridian emissary's, and my personal fav Primevil Titan to get my mana out fast. and then i wait a few turns and keep my hydra protected using Asceticism and then i charge
Posted By: HeavyEcho (8/18/2011 8:09:51 AM)


yes yes yes YES YES!!!!!!!
Slap down a doubling season for even more ownage.
Posted By: qwertycrap (7/8/2011 1:37:02 AM)


And I thought Protean Hydra was bad enough
Posted By: Condor_96 (7/8/2011 10:44:09 AM)


What's up Wizards? You forgot to give it Hexproof.
Posted By: konokono (7/15/2011 7:35:00 AM)


Magus Of The VineYard, Radha Heir To Keld........WIN!
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (7/7/2011 7:05:18 PM)


I've never had this card problem-ize me. Based on the fact that none of my enemies will give it Hexproof or straight up Shroud. And that's the only thing I dislike about this card, it's more along the lines of "Primordial Use-a-kill-spell-on-me"

Blue laughs at this with Vapor Snag, Unsummon, Disperse, and downright Cancel or Fuel for the Cause if you wanna be funny.

Black loves the fact no hydra's are black. Throats that are Gone for, Blades of Doom, Verdicts of Geth, Malkir's Keeper of Gates, Sickness that gets Spread.

White has gotten evil and will just Pacify, Forced Worship, and just making it soooooo pretty.

Red has two ways of dealing with this too. One way is just early hard damage while it's still trying to grow. ( Red decks that can't easily pump out 4-5 damage in one turn is doing it wrong anyway) Second is just waiting for as long as you can and then use one of your many one turn Mind Control spells, then laugh as you swing with YOUR new 126,000/126,000 with trample.... (see all)
Posted By: MarilynMonroe (7/30/2011 10:24:48 PM)


Hickory woodlot + tinder wall = 2/2 turn 2, 4/4 turn 3, 8,16/16 trample by turn 5, etc..
For a 3 card play with no threat except card disadvantage that's pretty good.
Posted By: blurrymadness (7/8/2011 11:58:02 AM)


A shame this doesn't work with Green Sun's Zenith.
Posted By: mike_stubbs1 (7/9/2011 2:50:59 PM)


1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192

What's that? Powers of two up to 14. That means if X = 1, in 4 turns he'll be 16/16. If X = 2, it'll take 3 turns, and if X = 4, it'll take 2 turns. Exponential growth is the second highest growth of basic functions, second to factorial growth, meaning you'll have a hard time getting more bang for your buck than this guy.

Note that you will play him as X, but by the time you can attack with him, he'll be 2X, meaning you'll get incredible benefit from him sheerly out of casting him. A 4/4 for 4, an 8/8 for 6, a 16/16 for 10, and the very next turn he'll step up to the next class of potency.

Primal Cocoon will give you a 2 counter advantage each turn if you want to reserve the creature, but Soul's Might would be the best idea in combination.

As I've said and probably will say on other cards, if you take the time for a little Asceticism and reserve ... (see all)
Posted By: DeathDark (7/9/2011 4:26:32 PM)


turn 1, tinder wall
turn 2, this as a 2/2
turn 3, Bounty of the Hunt in response to the triggered ability for a 10/10 trample.
Posted By: roguepariah (7/20/2011 9:45:01 AM)


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