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Community Rating: 3.939 / 5  (148 votes)
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Potentially silly, flexible, and reasonably powerful. Cool card.
Posted By: Radagast (7/21/2011 10:46:04 AM)


I played against this last night. I discovered it pretty much goes something like this:

"You're not playing Doom Blade? Ha, you're screwed."

Not fun to face down. Not at all.
Posted By: CJM2 (7/22/2011 1:53:54 PM)


Hey guys! Quest for The Gemblades! Or anything that uses the proliferate mechanic effectively, just don't tutor it up with Green Sun's Zenith.
Posted By: tcollins (7/27/2011 7:10:27 AM)


2 . 2
4 . 4 . 3
8 . 8 . 6 . 4
16.16.12 . 8 . 5
Etc . . . the problem with playing it early, even though the chart shows that it is bigger later if you play it earlier, it dies to more removal.
Posted By: blink182zombies (7/27/2011 9:44:21 AM)


this and darksteel plate
Posted By: andre174152 (7/31/2011 10:22:10 PM)


wins games single-handedly, it's that simple. fog those acts of treason, done deal. normally i'd say red is the best color in m12 draft, until you open up one of these.
Posted By: Three_Toe (8/9/2011 7:48:39 PM)


this thing is a beast. by turn 4 in a graft deck i can get it out as a 5/5 and the next turn, i drop a paradox haze and they can kiss their game goodbye. i give this card an easy 10/5 and no i dont care that that is mathematically impossible the card is just that good
Posted By: creonto (8/16/2011 9:47:22 PM)


Combos well with....... Your opponents end step. And his face. And storm crow.
Posted By: PcvsApple (8/21/2011 11:36:17 PM)


I like to look at this bad boy as costing 7. 7 mana u get a 5/5 and next turn u swing with a 10/10 trampler. turn after that hes a godly 20/20. 7 mana can be achived very early and easily in a ramp deck.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (9/13/2011 10:15:52 PM)


Compare to Scute Mob - both are cheap creatures that start small and grow to deadly proportions a few turns later without help.

Both have their advantages. Primordial Hydra is the more powerful, especially with built-in trample. While Scutes grow linearly, the hydra grows exponentially, and without needing a prerquisite number of lands. It can already start big if cast late-game - spend enough mana and it's a 1-turn clock as soon as it's cast.

Scute Mob requires more support, but it's also easier to support. As a 1-drop, you can often cast it while mana ramping or protecting it the same turn. It interacts favourably with Green Sun's Zenith and Genesis Wave. It's not as succeptable to things like Vampire Hexmage and Hex Parasite.
Posted By: Steinhauser (9/20/2011 4:55:42 AM)


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