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Very synergistic with Heartless Summoning. Think about it.
Posted By: jstorrie (9/23/2011 1:23:34 AM)


it's already pretty silly as it is, but trample? really? friggin' trample on this thing? considering his lowest possible cost is 3, that's a bit ridiculous. just a bit.
Posted By: NickNarwhal (10/2/2011 7:57:02 AM)


i played a game against my bro's mono white deck (lifegain) starting at 100 life. he had plenty of life gain, but i had a 128/128 trampler
Posted By: entari0 (10/10/2011 4:29:04 AM)


Holy crap. That is all.
Any G ramp deck with Vernal Bloom and any mana aura's would love this guy. So much.
Posted By: kor6sic6 (10/26/2011 9:29:32 AM)


@HeavyEcho Yes, but unless you're playing a rock, your opponent is going to have the equivalent number of land and creatures out. Hit fast, hit hard.
Posted By: Daft_Shroomz (11/2/2011 9:02:29 PM)


I played this guy in EDH once. He stayed on the board with a pacifism on his face for about 10 turns with a doubling season in play...the math on this thing got crazy. I ended up finally blowing the pacifism up, swinging into one guy, Soul's Fire another, and then Altar of Dementia the last.

In normal 60 card decks, this guy has been freaking amazing for me. He's become a four-of in my stompy deck, next to Primalcrux x4 I'm already running. Green stompy just gets more and more love!

Also, strictly better than Feral Hydra lol.
Posted By: endersblade (11/10/2011 9:50:34 AM)


Has anyone mentioned Heartless Summoning? It shrinks him by 1, but the {2} reduction means he comes in with two extra counters anyway, so he starts off 1 bigger and grows much faster.
Posted By: LordRandomness (11/21/2011 4:53:46 PM)


gets huge, fast.
Posted By: hello4am (12/24/2011 10:11:44 PM)


This guy goes great with Doubling Season . In Modern you can build a deck around him with proliferate cards like Throne of Geth , Viral Drake , or Contagion Clasp, use Ascetisim to protect him from being exiled or bladed, team him up with other creatures like Phytohydra and Protean Hydra, or simply play cards like Prey Upon or Feral Contest to get his counters up quickly.
Posted By: MechaKraken (12/25/2011 11:46:34 PM)


If you aren't concerned with series, Whispersilk Cloak works great in combination with Primordial Hydra. If you are, Swiftfoot Boots is also really effective. I make sure to keep a couple of each in my deck.
Posted By: whiteside1013 (3/23/2012 8:37:41 PM)


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