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Oh yeah, I forgot... Blade of the Bloodchief. LOL
Posted By: MtG_Maniac (4/2/2012 6:31:26 PM)


Here's an equation for playing him: Y=(Z-2)(2^X-Z)
Note: X minus Z is the exponent for 2.
Anyway Y is his power and toughness, X is the turn number, and Z is the mana you spent to cast him.

For example, if you played him on the 5th turn (for a power of 3), the equation would be: Y=3(2^X-5)

The equation is too complicated in my opinion, but alucard311 is correct.

That said, this guy has a bigger target on his face(s) than Kaalia...

EDIT: Oh, and it's also a fact that primordial can mean primeval.
Posted By: j_mindfingerpainter (4/7/2012 10:42:05 PM)


Is it just me, or does it seem like Hydras are taking over as green's mascot creature?
Posted By: Atali (5/26/2012 10:45:51 AM)


Luckily he's coming back for Magic 2013
Posted By: MaDaZi (6/1/2012 10:41:06 AM)


Hydra is green's mascot creature and I think that's awesome.
Posted By: DragonsRCool (6/1/2012 10:49:22 PM)


T1 forest -> birds of paradise
T2 forest, birds of paradise -> somberwald sage
T3 forest, birds of paradise, somberwald sage -> a 5 counter primordial hydra
T4 primordial hydra grows to 10 trample
Posted By: arcaneimperator (7/3/2012 10:17:49 AM)


This is the best card ever, I'll tell you why. Everyone wants to target it. Use sheltering word to protect it and net you massive amounts of life. Use overgrown battlement and omnath the locus of mana to pump the hell out of it. Finally replace 8 forests with llanwar elves and birds of Paradise for extra measure. Top off your deck with aestheticism and layline of sanctity. Reeeealy mean green.

PS: Feed the pack when he gets over 80 toughness, omnath likes that too.
Posted By: HeWench (7/5/2012 2:00:30 PM)


I rate this guy high because although he's weak to control, he's still epic. He's good early or late, his cost is so low that even if he is removed, it's not a huge loss-if anything it's a good thing that he gets targeted because it keeps the focus off of your core strategy-and if he isn't targeted, then he gets huge and has trample. It's a win win situation if you ask me. I wouldn't build a deck around him, but he is excellent support for any deck with green.
Posted By: Cygore (7/8/2012 4:13:58 PM)


I made a Primordial Hydra B/G deck with Liliana of the dark realms as the planeswalker, aside from never missing a land drop each turn her -6 ability earlier on will allow massive Primordial Hydra's as soon as they hit play, comboed with vigor, asceticism and Yeva natures herald, hexproof indestructible Hydra with Flash and massive mana ramp means one sad opponent. 5/5
Posted By: RandomGuyx (8/12/2012 3:37:56 PM)


Last game I played Fungal Sprouting at 16/16
waited two turns for a 64/64 Hydra
Craterhoof behemoth and ran my opponent for 400 and something damage

Mirth ensued.
Posted By: Manatramp (8/22/2012 8:57:02 PM)


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