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For 28 damage, if your opponent's hand is full on turn 4:

1. Island
2. Swamp, Liliana's Caress
3. Island, Jace's Archivist
4. Liliana's Caress + Archivist's ability

Works as a kill shot as long as your opponent has at least 5 cards in hand and hasn't gained any life.
Posted By: Askepios (9/13/2012 8:45:22 AM)


This card combo's well with any bounce effect really. Wash out is the best in most cases though.

Jace's Archivist + Dream Salvage

This is a nice combo because Dream Salvage specifies the whole turn. So if you don't happen to have Dream salvage in your hand ATM, you can tap Jace's Archivist and if you're lucky enough you can cycle into a dream salvage and then cast it. The fact that Dream salvage is instant is Icing on the cake, since that means you can wait until your opponents turn to pull off this combo and you will have access to the cards you drew for an entire turn; even if you draw more than the maximum handsize amount.

If you're going to do any of this though, you should throw an Eldrazi lord into your deck so you don't mill/draw yourself to death.

Library of leng is probably the most amazing card you can pair this with, as it removes the only downside to Archivist's abi... (see all)
Posted By: Xycolian (11/16/2012 1:51:17 AM)


Hey, it's Kavin! And yes, he does get mind sculpted! :P
Posted By: Osprey_93 (4/28/2013 4:32:52 AM)


Use this at the multiplayer table with Havengul Lich for massive graveyard loading and drawpower.
Posted By: ArdentDawn (5/26/2013 5:59:06 AM)


Notion Thief?
Posted By: pjasco (8/3/2013 11:47:02 AM)


I am getting major Mass Effect vibes from the artwork. And I love it.
Posted By: Stinga (8/27/2013 8:18:19 AM)


There are a whole bunch of ways you can do a lot of damage T4 with this. Assuming your first 3 turns are:

1. Island, Jace's Phantasm
2. Swamp, Liliana's Caress
3. Island, Jace's Archivist

or alternatively:
1. Swamp, Dark Ritual, Megrim
2. Island, Liliana's Caress / Invisible Stalker
3. Island, Jace's Archivist

You can do a bunch of stuff T4 such as:
- Land, Windfall, Archivist's Ability
- Dark ritual, Wheel and Deal, Archivist's ability
- Dark ritual, Whispering Madness encoded on creature, Archivist, swing

Unfortunately, this deck is incredibly weak to control. In a perfect world, you probably want to be running Daze/Force of Will to protect your combo, and we all know how affordable FoW is.
Posted By: Reverie42 (10/9/2013 9:16:00 AM)


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