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Community Rating: 3.768 / 5  (97 votes)
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I might switch out Dimir Guildmage for these guys in a control deck. The discard ability and extra toughness on the guildmage is helpful, but the draw is at sorcery speed; meaning I have to play that draw *very* carefully. Being able to draw more cards without being in a bad situation is probably going to be more useful than the (rarely used) discard on him. Further, this is lighter on color; so while it's possible I draw only swamps in the deck, it's unlikely; where as accidentally getting colorless mana in my hand screws up the guildmage in sad ways.

They're both quite good and anyone who can play a reasonable control deck should see that {3}{U} is NOT too costly to draw; you're attempting to stall the game into turn 6-10 anyway so you can drop a win-con while protecting it (usually.) When I say that I've used the Guildmage's draw to great effect, and quite often; i certainly wasn't using Training Grounds nor was it T4 most of the time, it was T4 if I had contro... (see all)
Posted By: blurrymadness (1/28/2013 9:31:59 AM)


Nice to see a MTG card that has a female without Double D's Drawing cards is more important than cup size ;)
Posted By: Earthdawn (5/8/2013 5:44:26 AM)


While she doesn't have double D's, her clothing is quite revealing. It may not be as bad as something like koth's courier, but it's a rather big step towards the females in many games that upset some people. Also, while they're not double D's, they are still pretty damn big.
Posted By: SAUS3 (8/27/2013 1:01:29 PM)


Boobs are boobs.
Posted By: JunkHarvester (5/15/2014 2:00:56 PM)


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