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Community Rating: 3.055 / 5  (73 votes)
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Good-bye groundswell, vines of vastwood, primal bellow and giant growth. Hello...castrated green? This would have been a fair replacement for the other pump cards, but for giant growth as well? Unbelieveable!
Posted By: ObsceneMartyr (7/21/2011 4:18:43 PM)


Love the flavor text... But not much else... 2.5/5
Posted By: KitaFer (7/18/2011 6:55:49 AM)


Wizards obviously wanted the hate to rain down on fast green infect.

So lame.
Posted By: Deco_y (7/7/2011 9:52:02 PM)


so. double the cost for an additional 1/3 effect. yea ill pass, could have been great if it gave hexproof. would have been much like vines of vastwood, which i like.
Posted By: Kyzar (7/7/2011 6:55:14 PM)


The reason is because of how powerful the Titans and Infect are.

In the kind of deck to play this card, +1/+1 is not as big a deal as 1 extra mana. This makes some decks weaker while being being an even better card than giant growth for the decks that Wizards is ok with giving Giant Growth to. (Elves and Green Creature Dorks in general, which don't have mana problems.)

The only unfortunate thing is that Primeval Titan perfectly overlaps most of the Archetypal Green ways to play (get mana, make big creatures, attack), but is also one of the OverPowered Titans that they wanted to slow down Giant Growth for so it would not be too hard to kill them....

Actually- I wonder if Wizards will consider breaking up the Sun Titan Cycle? Remember how we thought M12 was going to break up the Lorwyn 5 but still use some of them? Not all Cycles HAVE to stay together, and the Titans might be fine to reprint without Primeval and Sun....maybe?

(Wizards needs to STOP making Basilisk Collars and Vault ... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (3/28/2012 3:12:48 PM)


Could so easily have been +5/+5. I wonder why it wasn't.
Posted By: DeckMechanic (6/16/2012 4:11:39 PM)


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