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If nothing else, for three blue mana this reads, "Shuffle your library."

Can't say that about any of the other 'draw x' spells, heh.
Posted By: Yukikah (6/9/2013 1:39:52 AM)


Instant speed card draw is best run alongside counterspells. This card is no exception. Yeah it may be weak until later on, but it can be very powerful.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (8/10/2013 5:25:20 AM)


@ MyrBattlecube: It is! I've found it! I've found my sun!
Posted By: JimmyNoobPlayer (10/3/2013 9:04:51 AM)


BlueBlueBlueVariable Colorless is only really a big deal in 3+ colors. When you are at 7 mana or so, which is when you should be casting this, realistically you're going to have more then enough blue mana to meet the requirements. Unlike stroke of genius, this shuffles which means when you cast it you don't lose the functional density of instant speed x draw spells in your deck. Not only that, but, you can tutor it over and over and over, should you have that ability to do so. 3.5 is a lie; This is one of the strongest draw spells in the game and an EDH staple. Anyone who has played with all 3 knows that Braingeyser and Mind Spring aren't even on the same level; This is an instant meaning you get the opportunity to play ALL the cards you draw AND leave mana up should you need to counter something.

Posted By: Ligerman30 (4/29/2014 6:46:19 PM)


And then that one time in EDH you shuffle this back in and BAM draw it next turn. Cue maniacal laughter.
Posted By: JunkHarvester (5/10/2014 12:54:39 PM)


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