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Community Rating: 3.915 / 5  (82 votes)
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Nightfall predator is easily my second favorite werewolf, trailing just behind Terror of Kruin Pass. Once she's transformed she'll easily start wiping out your opponents utilities, and if you play an Increasing Savegry or give her deathtouch than you basically got yourself a one mana kill spell.
Posted By: RamenAwesome (5/31/2013 10:50:13 AM)


Nightshade Peddler or Necrobite the first side can kill most indestructible flyers, even Gisela as Daybreak Ranger deals two damage! And this side can bring the pain at most things without protection from Green! Just pulled one and looking forward to trying her out in my Gruul deck!
Posted By: TowerDefender (6/8/2013 10:19:06 AM)


As far as I can tell, Nightfall Predator is the only way in M:tG to get a creature to fight itself.
Posted By: Irandrura (1/28/2014 7:00:35 AM)


@Fellkitty: although the visual of a werewolf trying to tear apart a tiny little doll and failing is hilarious.
Posted By: Toquinha1977 (5/30/2014 8:44:32 AM)


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