(This plus Grimgrin, Corpse-Born and Rooftop Storm = infinite counters on Grimgrin.) @SwordOfKaldra
Thats a lie, because casting something has to be from YOUR HAND, gravecrawler has a ability which allows you to pay 1 mana to bring him back. You can however use Geralf's messengers and fume spitters. Because sac-ing a fume spitter puts a -1/-1 on any creature, so you can have crazy messengers with undying all the time.
Posted By:
(4/15/2012 6:37:41 PM)
This is an amazing, OP feeling card. I can't believe they printed this in the same set as Diregraf Ghoul!
I didn't get the flavor portion of it till recently: Liliana created a ghoul so durable, it can keep coming back no matter how many times you put it down until you kill it for good by removing the body from game. And it obviously can't block because enemy creatures can just jump over the poor guy as he feebly swipes at their legs.
Considering this guy is a rotten , semi-unkillable torso who's best attribute is his expandability, I kinda feel bad for him. ;_;
Posted By:
(5/6/2012 10:59:25 PM)
Strangely enough, equip this mindless zombie with Skullclamp and you've got yourself a dangerous card draw engine. Also works with Grave Pact, Mind Slash making your opponent discard a card for {B}{B}....numerous other potential combos.
Posted By:
(5/7/2012 11:15:40 AM)
Might as well say, "attacks each turn if able".
Posted By:
(6/3/2012 2:30:30 PM)
One of the few non-Knight cards without Changeling that has synergy with Haakon, Stromgald Scourge.
@ MasterOfEtherium: Honestly, why shouldn't we click 'Report Abuse'?
Posted By:
(7/4/2012 6:48:45 PM)
ok i must add another combo because we johnnies and you spikes are the people that love to see what others findout before we did,
Gravecrawler + Phyrexian Ghoul (preferred zombie)+ Deathgreater + Carnival of Souls + Phyrexian Alter
Posted By:
(7/25/2012 9:55:35 PM)
This card's nuts.
In some sacrifice abusing zombie deck, this is a 2x cheaper Reassembling Skeleton.
Cards like Carrion Feeder, Nantuko Husk and Grimgrin just got better. It's even more useful when you have Diregraf Captain in play.
Posted By:
(7/29/2012 6:20:51 PM)
A nice fast black beat stick for Zombie or Black Aggro. And is that really a drawback anyway? Hands up all those that would have been blocking with this...
Posted By:
(8/1/2012 1:35:16 PM)
Why yes, I do like winning.
Combos amazingly with Phyrexian ghoul. It's like a looming shade, but with double mana. Throw in a scavenger drake to really break things. Of course, this takes some luck to set up, but it's a lot of fun.
Posted By:
(8/6/2012 1:31:07 PM)
Why this card is amazing and should scare you.
1) for a 2/1 is good, even if it cannot block.
2) Being able to cast a one-mana creature from a graveyard is good.
3) Very relevant creature type.
4) Rooftop Storm and a Sack engine.
5) Dread Return.
5/5, this card is amazing
Posted By:
(9/3/2012 9:52:43 PM)