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Community Rating: 3.323 / 5  (65 votes)
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Best flavor text in the set. Ever? Tough call.
Posted By: ZEvilMustache (9/23/2011 3:36:17 AM)


Ragers gonna rage.
Posted By: Cyberium (9/23/2011 4:26:57 AM)


Lots of fun playing this with Divine Reckoning against a mass-token player...
Posted By: MrPhlip (9/26/2011 5:49:41 AM)



I miss Spawning Pit, Nantuko Husk, Greater Gargadon, Sprouting Thrinax, and Mitotic Slime.
Posted By: Gabriel422 (10/26/2011 3:34:42 AM)


With how sac-happy Innistrad is, Wizards must have been worried this guy would get triggered too often in a match. It's the only reason I can think of to warrant a 6 CMC. I think a 2/2 for 4 CMC would have been playable in more formats. But at this cost, I just don't see him hitting the table outside sealed play.
Posted By: RedJaron (12/27/2011 1:55:57 PM)


This is one of those cards you wish could cost a lot less to play, but once you get them out onto the battlefield, you can really enjoy what they can do, until they get destroyed.
Posted By: Binaro (1/14/2012 7:34:44 PM)


Run this guy with Goblin Bombardment for a sac engine and some extra damage to dish out. Pretty fun to play in my Sek'Kuar EDH deck
Posted By: cgermain (1/22/2012 10:11:56 PM)


Two words: horde deck. With this guy you can oneshot a horde deck when one creature dies. That's with one Rage Thrower out, when you get more than one, the damage really starts to climb. I do think that he would have been better as a 2/4 though.
Posted By: The_Insaniac (2/16/2012 8:41:04 PM)


That's not a shaman......that's a scientist. :p

Seriously- it might seem counter-intuitive, but 'scientist' I believe is a valid creature class for MTG to have. It's not just Innistrad's Mad Scientists, either.
Every single set that had PHYREXIANS in it had room for a few 'scientist' creatures.

Nin, the Pain Artist could even have been a Scientist Witch. How awesome would that have been?

Dear Wizards: I understand some of your resistances to putting too much science into a game like Magic, but when it FITS, don't say no!
Posted By: DarthParallax (2/28/2012 6:27:28 AM)


Too expensive, you all say.
Well, my Animar, Soul of Elements EDH disagrees with you.
My poor Animar deck always had a tendency to have something between five and thirty 5-12 CMC creatures on the battlefield at once, so you can understand how much boardwipes pained me.
Well, now I can pay (R) for a "If you boardwipe, you DIE, and some other player is probably gonna die too."
5/5 stars, I dont know how I ever lived without you, Rage Thrower!
Posted By: Sleazebag (3/2/2012 1:21:30 PM)


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