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Community Rating: 3.188 / 5  (56 votes)
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Interesting how this version is rated a full point lower than the M11 version...
Posted By: wstonefi (4/26/2012 6:46:13 PM)


And then John's face was gone.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (10/4/2012 9:56:06 PM)


This is far from being fulling susceptible to redirect. Not many red decks are going to have blue or white creatures out when this is played, it's a pretty narrow scenario. The only problem with this card is it doesn't deal 6 damage (to kill Sun Titan) otherwise it's fine, although a bit too narrow.
Posted By: Kurraga (10/31/2012 9:07:15 AM)


Are you serious? Casual games is where this card doesn't belong. This card is designed to be part of a side board. Do you even know what that is? This card is used to change your deck to suit your needs against a particular deck you are playing against in a best 2 out of 3 (or more) set.

These kinds of cards exist to maintain balance in the meta game. If one new type of deck begins to take over and it is the right colours, everyone starts sticking these kinds of cards in their side board for when they play against that deck.

I think they should reprint this, but make it say '5 damage to target blue or white creature or planeswalker' with everything else the same. That way you can kill jace and similar. It would really make this kind of card good.
Posted By: SAUS3 (7/4/2013 8:30:15 AM)


Kills Deceiver Exarch, Pestermite, Restoration Angel, Baneslayer Angel, Vendilion Clique and Celestial Colonnade through as many Remands and Eiganjo Castles as you like. Yes, sign me up for two in the sideboard of any red modern deck.
Posted By: Hunted0Lesser (7/20/2013 9:01:27 AM)


Destroy target Splinter Twin combo.
Posted By: MostlyLost (7/26/2013 10:24:53 PM)


Guys, this is Red's answer to Storm Crow!!
Posted By: lilwolf2005 (8/14/2013 10:42:34 PM)


This is good to sideboard, but I don't think I'd ever main deck this. It only works for 2 colors, and I see that as kind of circumstantial(this is why I generally dislike color hate). Great replacement for incinerate or searing spear if you're playing a blue or white deck, but otherwise, I don't see much of a point.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (8/22/2013 11:51:11 AM)


Combust laughs in the face of your swans.
Posted By: Continue (9/27/2013 9:19:41 PM)


Does this work against an Archetype of Endurance ?
Posted By: Archimedes75 (5/30/2014 9:51:44 AM)


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