All you need to do is cast Sorin's Vengeance, then play this and flip.
Posted By:
(5/27/2012 11:26:23 PM)
vampires have a knew toy
Posted By:
(6/29/2012 7:41:15 AM)
Chalice from the Palace transfoms into a Vestle with the Pestle.
Posted By:
(7/21/2012 10:10:56 AM)
Rhox Faithmender drinks from this, then flips it over and beats you over the head with it.
Posted By:
(9/1/2012 12:12:10 PM)
Posted By:
(9/20/2012 9:20:01 AM)
I played two of these in my white weenie deck for FNM. I had both on the table and got them transformed. My opponent spent all his time and mana detaining my chalices. If I had two more in this deck I could have wiped him out. I did have my 17/3 Elite Inquisitor that he also had to deal with. This ended up going on for over an hour on round one. I ended up loosing to his detain ability. This card had I had two more in my deck would have won the game for me.
Posted By:
(10/6/2012 5:19:48 AM)
Good thing they remembered to include "more then your starting life total". Cards like Serra Ascendant are breaking multiplayer.
Posted By:
(11/26/2012 6:08:09 AM)
Well at least we know why Archangel's Light is so expensive.
No, no there's still no excuse.
Posted By:
(12/25/2012 9:46:37 PM)
Your opponent drank from the cup? He chose... poorly.
Posted By:
(1/21/2013 3:53:00 PM)
I really like how the wording doesn't refer to a set life total.
Posted By:
(2/17/2013 8:39:15 AM)