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Community Rating: 3.943 / 5  (228 votes)
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I've been seeing a good number of comments about how the different sides are the same card, how they shouldn't have each side split up in the comments and ratings. Well, here's the thing. They AREN'T the same card. Just as with the flip cards in Kamigawa and the split cards, each side/face/half has different pros and cons. Hanweir Watchkeep/Bane of Hanweir and Civilized Scholar/Homicidal Brute are very good examples of this. They both serve different purposes, and so should be rated by their effectiveness at doing their job.

With Bloodline Keeper, the transform is more of a total improvement. I've been comparing it to my love, Myr Propagator. While I can pull some incredible things with the myr, Bloodline is the stronger card. Being a 4 mana 3/3 flier, it's already more cost-efficient, and it creates the tokens for free. Once you have your group, if you don't already when you cast... (see all)
Posted By: BastianQoU (9/25/2011 2:02:59 PM)


Love the B: Transform

Hate how it takes 5 vampires instead of 3 or 4.
Posted By: Gaffy00 (9/22/2011 8:32:10 PM)


So, are we going to see a whole slew of vampires every other set for the foreseeable future, now, just to make sure that the Twilight fans keep playing Standard?
Posted By: sonorhC (9/24/2011 10:53:58 AM)


I don't get why this doesn't just auto-transform. I mean, why wouldn't you transform it if you could? And if you have five mana, what are the chances that you can't pay a single black mana?
Posted By: Saikuba (9/22/2011 9:47:58 PM)


This could have been a really cool card if it wasn't one of the 20 double faced pieces of garbage the designers pushed through to print. Oh well.
Posted By: Thomasbchillin (9/27/2011 8:17:26 PM)


What are you dense? Are you retarded? Im the GD Batman!
Posted By: NeoSin (10/22/2011 1:59:39 PM)


I think that this might be a transform card because

a) for text space reasons

b) because transform cards are either the greatest thing or the worst thing ever, and either way that means you should try to do as much with them as possible in Set 1 to give them the best chance of 'hitting it' with people in case we never see them again.

c) the flavor of the transform is that Vampires can all transform. either that, or it's showing a vampire rising through the aristocratic ranks. idkn.

@OmegaSerris, yes but just because you said a true thing doesn't make it the same as a reasonable argument-
the 'brooding his own family' explanation to me fits a level-up creature more than a transform creature.
to deserve an enitre new name/title, new art/uniform, new everything, I believe that it must be some kind of promotion. Shivan Dragon get more powerful when it breathes fire. Doesn't mean it transforms.
Tons of cards in Magic have had 'this creature becomes a more powerful creatur... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/18/2011 3:17:38 AM)


Great! Even when not transformed.

You must pay to transform it first meaning Lineage technachly costs 5.
Posted By: Zokorad (10/19/2011 2:26:31 PM)


Thank god that this is coming out after zendikar rotates. I can do without another sudo-nocturnus
Posted By: DragonicSphinx (9/23/2011 11:17:58 PM)


Absolutely brilliant performance at my local pre-release event. Very powerful once he's active. Generating a 4/4 flyer to use as a chump blocker is absolutely brilliant. Especially great with my Stromkirk Patrol and Crossway Vampire beating down for a lot of unblockable damage.
Posted By: starfox444 (9/24/2011 3:05:00 AM)


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